Tuesday, May 06, 2008

How NOT to Chase, Chasing Today!, & IE7 Sucks


Yesterday was a typical day of getting on the road too late becaue of work obligations. Jay McCoy and I got down SW of Portales, NM to watch the big beast down near Roswell from a distance. Lack of any roads screwed us over in getting into position. We saw new storms erupting up near Muleshoe and Dimmit, so we opted to go after them since it was on the way back to Amarillo. As soon as we did...the storm we left went tornadic.

The storms we went after conspired to cut us off or mutate into something confusing keeping just out of reach. To make matter worse, we then saw a tornado warning for a nice hooking cell just NW of Amarillo. We just couldn't win. It was one of "those" days. But it all is rooted in not being able to get out of Amarillo until just after 4pm. Ugh.

So, will try again today after taking the day off. Jay and I will be heading towards Brownfield shortly. I'm sure the chaser circus will be down there too. And, by the way, what the hell is the deal with stormchasers now flipping the bird to other chasers that they don't even know? It happened to a fellow chaser from a "super star" chaser. Some of the real pissy attitudes out there are showing up on the road. Just remember, I'm streaming live video. :-)

Lastly, IE7 and Microsoft are now considered by me to be the spawning point of the anti-Christ. I have discovered that IE7 now refuses to refresh new images with the same URL. It's all in the new and improved security features of IE7. You can't turn the cache off...period. No way...no how. I've scoured the internet looking for solutions. There are some "hacks", but I now have to rewrite a significant chunk of code in my live chase page in order to get the radar images to refresh. It worked beautifully in IE6 which is what I unknowingly used in development. Of course, the idiots at MS decided to further alienate and frustrate web devlopers with this latest round of arrogant, asinine stupidity. I will be working hard to get the live chase page compliant with FireFox this week which I should have done at the get-go.

Okay...enough. I have to hit the road. I did not use spell check. So to you English nazis out there: kiss my posterior. ;-)


Blogger Steve Miller said...

Someone flips me off for no reason and I'm turning the hell around.

Tue May 06, 11:00:00 PM CDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, they were going down the road same direction as me and I passed them and waved, got the bird in return.

Wed May 07, 03:58:00 AM CDT  

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