Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Winter's Wrath

Fortunately, the ice storm from last weekend wasn't as bad as it very easily could have been. Traffic problems were the worst part of it all....typical for North Texas :-) The SE part of Oklahoma and areas of Missouri were devestated by heavy accumulations of solid ice of 3 inches and even a couple of reports of 4 inches. This is nothing short of astounding both in the amounts of ice and the fact that this is the second very severe ice storm in the plains this winter season. Winter has certainly unleashed it's wrath as it returns from a lengthy absence.

This morning, I awoke to a very light dusting of snow. The culprit was a weak impulse embedded in the moist southwest flow aloft. Parts of central and even south Texas are under a winter storm warning with significant sleet, freezing rain and snow all the way to Del Rio and Hondo of all places. Significant freezing rain of up to 1/2 inch are reported in the hill country with tree limbs coming down and elevated roadways/bridges glazed over with wrecks galore. It's a real mess. To read all of the details, CLICK HERE.

For the first time in a very long time, there is ice/snow on the ground from southern Texas all the way to the North Pole. Global warming? LOL! Not right now. ;-) This is important because future arctic surges will not modify as much because of the frozen tundra into Texas. With an active southern stream jet, we will see a higher risk of winter weather into March. In fact, with February being our wettest month historically, things could get even wilder than they have been.

In the short term, the models are having a tough time handling the upper energy that is persisting out west. Looking at water vapor, there is an abundant supply of pacific moisture and various disturbances out that way. It certainly appears that the action won't let up anytime soon. So, periodic shots of wintery weather are certainly expected for the next week. I'm starting to eye Friday/Saturday now as a possible significant snow event for this area. Stay tuned!!!

As a side note, packing and preparing to move sucks. It's still ongoing, but finally making decent progress. As soon as there is a lull in the winter weather, I'll be making another trip to Amarillo to lock in a place to live.

Also, an honorable mention in the stormchaser humor department goes out once again to my homie from Tulsa. Dat's funny right thare...I don't care who ya are! ROFLMAO!


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