Friday, January 05, 2007

Winds Of Change

The recent brutally severe blizzard and snow/ice storm that slammed the SE quarter of Colorado, the westeran third of Kansas and central parts of Nebraska, is one for the history books. Pictures of pickup trucks nearly completely buried and solid ice coating trees, powerlines and everything else up to 3 inches thick bringing down thousands of power poles and high tension line towers is just unreal.

We have now had two major winter storms of historic proportions this witner....and all before January. What is even more astounding to me is that nobody is running around screaming about it being George Bush's fault or wondering why the nanny federal government isn't stepping in and waving a magic wand to fix everything. Perhaps that is because the mainstream media just aren't doing their job or aren't interested since these are all red counties? ;-)

But, the winter season is just getting into full swing. The models are forecasting the winds of change will swing around from the polar regions into Texas by the end of next week and weekend. The models are all in excellent general agreement for a strong surge of arctic air to blast deep into Texas as a very large upper trough digs southward across the left coast into NW Mexico.

This is a prime, classic pattern for some significant winter weather into Texas. If this trough ends up becoming a permanent fixture for a week or more as is being strongly hinted at by the models, it really raises some serious concerns. It is still too far out to make any predicitions of course, but I can't stress enough that this really bears very close watching. More next week as the event draws closer.

Speaking of winds of change, there are some HUGE changes brewing for me personally....and very positive changes at that. So stay tuned for that as well. I should know something by the first part of next week if it will happen or not. :-)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm positive the global warming camp has be silenced to an extent due to this weather as well. So with no bush in the news and no Al Gore in the news, I guess all eyes are on you and your big announcement.
Now out with it!

Mon Jan 08, 09:18:00 AM CST  

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