Sunday, January 14, 2007


We are under the gun now as expected. The temperature here in McKinney is now down to 30F and getting a good glaze of ice on everything. The radar is lighting up with extensive and widespread freezing drizzle and freezing rain...some of it moderate. This should continue overnight and through Monday morning as temperatures all across DFW fall below freezing. Fortunately, I'm seeing more convincing data that amounts should stay under 1/2 inch accumulation for the most part. That will keep the threat of widespread power outages very low. I think there will be some outages, but not a widespread disaster. Oscillating around the freezing point all day today and yesterday has spared us. SE third of OK isn't so lucky as are residents NE into Missouri.

However, travel will be impossible as all bridges and many roads get glazed over. What astounds me is the amount of people still out travelling. Numerous wrecks are being reported in Tarrant County and all areas weast and north of there. So I really have to question the intelligence level of those out there right now. I understand that some people have to and I don't include those. But, there are many that really don't have to be out, but they are. And then, they drive like idiots and morons as if there is no ice. What part of "ice storm warning" do they not comprehend? Geeez.

As for me, I am comfortable here at home with my favorite Smirnoff cold beverage and radar loops and a plethera of weather data as well as news coverage. Since I don't have to go to work for three more weeks, I'll be quite content to sleep in and avoid the ice rink madhouse and bumper car melee in the morning. :-)

Looking ahead, things get intersting again later Wednesday and overnight into Thursday morning. The NAM/WRF is upping the ante for some snow from SW TX into N TX. It continues to increase the precip amounts as it forecasts a stronger disturbance to approach the arctic air entrenched across the area.

Stay tuned!!


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