Tuesday, January 09, 2007

A Quick Political Rant

Sandy "Burglar" Berger, Prsident Clinton's former National Security Advisor, got busted for stealing classified documents from the National Archives not too long ago. Of course, the liberal mainstream media reported it, but I didn't see any effort to really do some investigative reporting on it. C'mon, stuffing documents into his socks?!?!?! ROFL! It's every bit as large of a story as Watergate ever was. Instead, the media cheerfully accepted his excuses and reasoning for doing it. End of story. Where the hell is Dan Rather now? LOL!

Today, the final report was released concerning his high crimes.

It makes for very good reading. :-) I do wonder what he managed to destroy and hide to protect himself and Clinton from the 9/11 probe. We will never know. The tragedy of course is that he won't be tried for treason and swing from the end of a rope. If the Demorats truly want to convince me and millions of others in this country that they are serious about restoring ethics and itegrity, they should open up a full investigation into Berger's actions before they start on their lynching of Bush coming soon to a C-Span channel near you.



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