Friday, December 29, 2006

Buh-Bye Saddam

Cya. Adios. Asta La Vista, Babeee. Good Riddence.

Let the records show that at 0300z, Saturday December 30, 2006....justice was served upon one of the most evil men in history...Saddam Hussein..the Baghdad Butcher. The WMD of Iraq is no more. The Ace of Spades has been cut from the deck.

For anybody who questions or is not fully aware of just how evil this man was, please read his "resume of atrocities". CLICK HERE

Good riddance, Saddam. Have fun in hell.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was at a bar when I found out the SOB hanged. My friends and I left and promptly went home to watch the cable news networks to await some juicy video of the event. We drank beer and were merry while reflecting on what that a-hole must have felt like in the 20 seconds or so prior to the trap door opening.
Hope he is sizzling in hell as I write.

Wed Jan 03, 09:14:00 PM CST  

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