Saturday, May 09, 2009

Star Trek - 3 words WOW! The new Star Trek movie is simply spectacular and stunning. It exceeded my expectations in every category including breathtaking special effects. Hands down, it is THE movie of 2009. It respected not only the story line and theme of Star Trek, but honored the individual characters themselves. The actors/actresses and entire crew deserve a huge round of applause for a job very well done. I cannot imagine them doing any better of a job in filling a big gap in the story line of the origins of the Enterprise with James T. Kirk at the helm. For true trekkies, there was even a reference to Captain Archer of the first Enterprise of the TV series "Enterprise". :-)

Bottom line is that I enjoyed this movie tremendously. I will see it again...and again. :-)

As far as stormchasing, I see a long shot Tuesday/Wednesday withn chasing range for me. Other than that, the atmosphere quickly transitions to July pattern and royally screws up good chasing opportunities for the plains as far out as the models extend. Normally, I wouldn't get too hung up on long rang crystal ball madness, but the models have been very consistent over the past few days. I see no signs of hope.

In fact, the news is made even more negative by the CPC's 6-10 forecast of strong confidence in model solutions for that period. Extrapolating Day 10 out to day 16 using the GFS as guidance, I'm gaining more confidence that May is going to sputter out and once again be mostly, if not entirely, void of any really good chase days south of the peak of the season.

Welcome to the "new climatology" as I've been saying for years now. I guess that old addage of "If it's May, chase." is in need of replacing May with April or June. :-) I feel fortunate now to have had some fun in April and a few tornadoes under my belt...despite screwing up a couple of times. I remember telling a couple of people that you better get out and chase the setups in April because you never know what May holds in store...especially with what we've experienced over the past several years. I can only hope that the end of May and most of June will end the season around here with a bang like last year.

With that in mind, I will have ample opportunity to work on my main website, fix my sprung car door, and plan some camping/fishing/hiking/photo excursions. If next Tuesday/Wednesday craps out, I'll be catching up on posting some non-chase photos.


Anonymous Jason Boggs said...

Well, I'm off from the 13th until the first of June so if chasing craps out, we need to get together and go fishing and go on some photo excursions. Feel free to give me a call anytime you want to go out on an excursion.

Sat May 09, 04:11:00 PM CDT  
Anonymous David Drummond said...

I saw it Thurs night and it ROCKED! I'll probably go and see it again. It's the rare movie that actually gets me in a theater, especially with DVDs and my 65" HD screen at home. The last theater movie I saw was Indiana Jones. Can't wait for it to come out on DVD and even more so for the next movie!

I've done about given up on this season. Been spending my chase money on yard projects! Bought a chainsaw finally today!

I'll chase any local South Plains and Panhandle events, maybe a little farther if it looks like it, but I think I am done chasing every chance on the plains this year.

Sat May 09, 09:39:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Steve Miller TX said...

Jason, definitely will holler at you when I can devote a day to a photo excursion. Hopefully the atmosphere will come out of it's psychotic state though and finally put on some shows close to home.

David, well, hopefully late May and June will come to life out in our stomping grounds. It sure has been frustrating to say the least.

Wed May 13, 09:27:00 PM CDT  

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