Thursday, April 30, 2009

Frustration Continues

First off, a HUGE and hearty congratulations to everybody who socred big time yesterday...especially to my buds David Drummond, Ben Holcomb and Jay McCoy. Their video I saw yesterday and this morning is incredible! David and Ben's is online at:

Now for my pissy vent....

Yep, I screwed up yet again. This despite my early morning forecast of Plainview along the OFB. With not being able to leave from work until 4pm combined with another regrettable tactical decision, I missed the tornadofest yet again. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't just a little pissy about it this morning made all the worst by seeing pics/video of another spectacular and memorable event where I ended up on the sidelines. One simple flip of the coin in my decision making would have put me in the middle of things with the seemingly hundreds of others that were dancing with tornadoes.

Speaking of which, how in the hell are SO many people able to get time off to chase in the middle of the week in April? There were an incredible number of chasers out yesterday. I am really getting concerned with the numbers that will be out in May on chasecation with the added 70+ vehicle Vortex 2 crews. One isolated tornadic supercell is going to create literally 1000 vehicles in and around it. The simple fact is that it will become impossible to even find a good place to pull over to watch the storm. Heavy congestion on small rural roads will add considerably to the stresses of being in close proximity of a dangerous storm and navigating around it. I've only had to worry about the storm itself, but that is rapidly changing now. At least we'll get to see hundreds of videos and pics of the same thing. ;-)

I have really started having some serious reconsiderations about this beloved hobby of mine. It is quickly losing everything about it that appeals to me. It's becoming "not fun" and instead full of frustration and increasing stresses of the hoardes. Other hobbies of mine are quickly rising to the top of my "most fun things to do" list. And it's not just because I'm pissy this morning.

Okay, venting over with. I did setup quite a ways to the east of the Cedar Hill beast and witnessed the distant tornado. It was very high contrast, large and "tall". It was the most spectacular "distant" image I've personally witnessed. Thankfully for zoom lenses, I was able to stream it and get some good video of it. So, I guess I should be thankful, eh? Again, it's tough when you see breathtaking and stunning video up close knowing you could have easily been there.

So, my venting is about over with for this morning, but my introspection and reflection will continue. The numbers of chasers will only continue to rise in the years to come. It's already starting to reach a critical saturation point and my personal tolerance level. It is ludicrous to believe that "it won't be that bad". I am convinced that in another 2-3 years, in particular when the economy improves, it will routinely become a massive chaser convergence for each and every storm from March through June instead of just May.

It just so happens that those are the best months for bass fishing. Could it be possible for me to sell everything and use the money I burn during those months and put it towards a nice bass boat, camper on a lake, and tournament fees? As I sit here this morning, that option is looking pretty darned good. Stay tuned......

With all of that being said, the next few days for chasing doesn't look very appealing based on the models. I'm due for some down time anyway to lick my wounds and stop being so pissy. :-)


Blogger Adam L said...

One way I found for myself to avoid the hoards was to equip my vehicle to travel off the pavement. With 4WD and all terrain mud tires the back roads are not so scary anymore. Despite the massive numbers out this past weekend we were able to get on a back road and be in the presence of a beutifull stacked plates meso with lightning all around...just us for about 30 minutes. Once we got back on to the paved roads...there was everyone else.

Thu Apr 30, 01:43:00 PM CDT  
Anonymous Brian Fant said...

That area was my target as well, but having to be at work at 5am this morning kept me from venturing across the Caprock. I did watch an impressive cell near Archer City that had incredible upward motion and believe it or not I was the only human being around this storm!!

Thu Apr 30, 05:04:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Wesley Luginbyhl said...

I am seriously fearing what a chase in May might be like this year as well. One reason I am getting some April chases in. Just wait till we get some very marginal setups late in the year for the Caprock and the hoards will be nowhere in site like last year.

On a side note I did catch some (small) small mouth bass at Lake Meredith the other day. The Sanford Dam can offer some nice bass fishing for those of us without boats (that way you can keep those awesome cameras for taking pictures of the fish).

Thu Apr 30, 06:50:00 PM CDT  
Anonymous JayM said...

Guess you saw the NWS AMA confirmed 2 tornados near panhandle wednesday evebing just 5 miles or so from your work..ouch!!

I think I should take you out for a beer or something to get you off this streak. Ofcourse we have all had them so dont get down. Just enjoy the storms and dont overthink and overanalyze things and go with your gut and the tornados will come.

We still luv ya brotha

Thu Apr 30, 10:24:00 PM CDT  
Anonymous David Drummond said...

Sorta reminds me of our last fishing trip when Jay was catching no fish...

Fri May 01, 01:45:00 AM CDT  
Anonymous Jason Boggs said...

I agree with Jay. Sometimes we do so much while storm chasing that we forget to just stop and look.

To be honest with you, that's why I don't do any streaming and other things that can put stress in a chase. Trying to look at the computer while taking video and stills is enough. Get back to basics and enjoy the storms like you once did.

Hope all that makes sense.

Fri May 01, 05:48:00 AM CDT  
Blogger Shane Adams said...

The bass boat, camping, giving up chasing thing will sound real good...until you're sitting out on a lake, the fish aren't biting, you're suburned, it's horribly uncomfortable because it's May and 88/70, and you can see the towers of the storms you're missing, which are producing the tornadoes you're missing as well.

I think you just need a few days removed from missing the big day. Hey, at least you got to ass was stuck home with no ride.

I will never stop chasing. Other people don;t matter. They aren't what creates my happiness out there, they are invisible to me when I'm on a storm. No amount of chasers on the roads can crack my dome of Zen Solitude out there.

Sat May 02, 02:13:00 PM CDT  

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