Thursday, April 30, 2009

4/29 Pics

First two are of an anticyclonic left-splitter. I confirmed this at the time with SRV showing strong anticyclonic rotation. I could see it visually too. I even thought at one point it might spin something up. The last one of course....we all know. :-) I wish I could have gotten closer to the wind farm though as you can faintly make out. Still, I thought it kind of a cool pic with the large tornado being on top of the caprock like that. Also, note the sign in the lower right: "Bridge Out". That pretty much summed up my day. .


Anonymous Brian Fant said...

Thats a great tornado pic Steve! BTW, I have came out of retirement and chased with the hordes yesterday. It was a great storm and saw what some people are calling a tornado. Was it, I dunno??

Sat May 02, 08:36:00 AM CDT  

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