Wednesday, April 29, 2009

4/29 New Mexico Recap & Today!!!

Real briefly, made it to Conchas Lake and Veriadero area of New Mexico (WNW of TCC) just in time to catch the last gasp of a tornadic supercell. I thought the storm would have made more eastward progress towards Tucumcari, but it didn't. Still, I managed to FINALLY get south of Veriadero to see the strong mesocyclone occlude into a faint rotating barrel updraft. it just *almost* produced though and made for some interesting moments. A second cell blew up and produced a nice broadly rotating wall cloud before becoming totally outflow dominant. Pics and video later, but nothing very might not be any at all. :-) I felt like I was chasing on Mars though with no cell data and NWR was very faint and mostly all static. However, I was surprised at just how much flat, chaseable terrain there is among the big mesas out there....although the road network is horrendous as to be expected.

I did discover that there is a problem with my cell data hookup with either the booster , antenna or data card antenna port. I'll be trying to work that bug out SOON.

For today, OFB down near Plainview stretched W/E parallel to mid level flow. With expected destabilization today and pretty good veering profiles, a tornadic supercell or two is likely in my opinion. I'll be watching to see of the OFB remains intact and if so, will be my target. Otherwise, will expect to see something close to Amarillo today.


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