Sunday, May 03, 2009

Wildcat Bluff Nature Center

Took advantage of a lull in the atmosphere and a day off with cool weather to visit the Wildcat Bluff Nature Center just NW of Amarillo. I walked all three trails and am about tuckered out. This will be a new favorite place for me to do some hiking in order to get into better shape as well as photo ops. I desperately need to get a quality telephoto lens. At the end of one of the trails, there is a working windmill where I enjoyed a drink of cold, refreshing water.

A pretty big (and old) oak tree down in the creek bottom. (no...not me...the thing behind me!) I don't usually do self-pics like this, but I wanted to put the size of this tree into proper perspective.

Watching my antics from an overlooking bluff, I think this critter senses the smell of wretched defeat emanating from my last two chases. LOL!!

Then, one of his buddies show up. I'll name them....4/26 and 4/29 respectively. ;-) Seriously, what a cool photo op. I got quite a few of the one extending his wings.

Oops...seems like a dispute over the ownership of this perch.

An interesting part of the lower bluffs.

A curious hole in this very large rock. I don't believe it is man-made.

Again, I model in the pic to put things into perspective. Yes, I was abit nervous given my propensity for bad luck. ;-)

A new cactus springing up with lots of dew. I tried to work on the exposure balance and curves, but to no avail. I might work on this more later or try some HDR on it.

Some of the many wildflowers found out there. They are just coming out, so another trip on a more sunny day is in store.

A scissor-tailed flycatcher.

Since my previous post, the models are starting to make a more convincing shift into a more positive pattern for chasing this week...especially this weekend. Keep your fingers crossed!!


Blogger S. Miller said...

Outstanding!!! Thanks for sharing - maybe I'll see you on Tues in TX?

Sun May 03, 09:18:00 PM CDT  
Blogger p said...

nice variety! especially like the textures going on with the cactus :)

Mon May 04, 12:07:00 AM CDT  
Blogger Laura Duchesne said...

Heya Steve man, we are in AMA tonight, hope we run into ya sometime on Tues... if not, good luck buddy!

Tue May 05, 12:41:00 AM CDT  
Blogger Steve Miller TX said...

Thanks, ya'll!!! It was a fun trip and hope to do more this year.

Laura, I'll be looking for ya'll out there today and all this week...if the weather cooperates. Look for me in a blue Honda Element. :-)

Tue May 05, 06:53:00 AM CDT  

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