Saturday, June 14, 2008

Panhandle Magic Today? (and a note about Tim Russert)

Finally, a very nice chase setup in my backyard today. All short range models forecast initiation in the TX PH anywhere from Hereford to Stratford...right around Amarillo. I'm leaning towards Dumas for initiation right now, but definitely subject to change. In any event, Amarillo folks better get ready for a real humdinger today. ;-)

This is a classic NW flow event. Such critters are difficult to forecast as far as storm mode. However, all the models indicate a more discreet and isolated mode which, with expected capping inversion in place and only a weak impulse in the mid levels, certainly has me thinking it will. Such an isolated supercell will be a real brutal one to be certain with a tornado potential. Monster, gorilla hail will be a sure bet as is the nature with NW flow storms as they plow directly into moderate/strong low level flow. This is what I refer to as "force feeding" a storm.

With S/SSE low level and 850mb flow sharply veering to NW flow at 30 knots in the mid levels, the stage is set for a very strongly rotating storm. It's also an excellent formula for breathtaking storm structures.

So, yeah, I'm stoked about it. :-) As usual, you can watch the action on my live chase is to your right.....your other right. LOL!! This could be a GREAT day!

On a sad note, Tim Russert, the famous NBC news guy who also hosted Meet The Press on Sundays, died suddenly yesterday of a massive heart attack. The guy was only 58. In any event, this is a VERY serious blow to true journalism in this country as he represented one of the last vestiges of such. He was tough with both Demorats and Republicans...unlike 98% of the media out there who give Demorats a free pass and let them get away with crap which they skewer Republicans over.

Mr. Russert held both parties accountable and would ask them really tough questions. he showed no bias or personal agenda and to me, represented what true journalism should be...getting both sides of a story or issue and representing each with fairness and balance thus letting us, the viewers, make up our own minds. With his passing, liberals and Demorats are rejoicing today as they now have one less person to be accountable to. For the rest of us, it is a tremendous loss.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think your comment about the Democrats and Liberals are rejoicing, is a bit much. That is fine that you have your opinion, but saying that people are rejoicing in one's death is a bit much and probably not true.

Charlene Jackson -

Sat Jun 14, 04:57:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Steve Miller TX said...

I take it you don't read's site or various sites where liberals spew their venom and hatred.

Sat Jun 14, 08:54:00 PM CDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No. I don't read's site, (never heard of it till now, but will definately check it out, thanks for the source) but I do read yours. I'm not trying to be disrespectful, I just don't think anyone is jumping up and down over this man's death, regardless of race, religion, voting preference and whatever else. I just felt your comment was a little out there. I mean its your site you can do as you choose but you put it out there. -In the past I have voted democratic, and that is my right, but I personally was not jumping up and down and actually prayed for this man's family yesterday. So not all democrates were excited. I thought your comment was arrogant. But thanks for posting my rebuke and giving me some attention....


Sat Jun 14, 09:51:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Steve Miller TX said...

For the record, I said "rejoice", not "jump and down for joy". Please refer to:

As long as the Democratic party embraces the radical left who spews such venom and hate, then I will continue to make those kinds of statements.

I'm not saying they are running around publicly expressing joy at Mr. Russert's death. But, they are certainly going to be quite happy that there will be one less member of the media out there that truly holds them accountable and forces them to answer the tough questions.

Based on statements I've read from the leftist websites out there wishing death upon Bush, Cheney, Rush Limbaugh, Fox News, Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, and even our own American soldiers, etc, etc, can you blame anybody for making the assumption that the leftists would "rejoice" in any of those guys' death?

Perhaps as a Democrat, you should demand that your party leaders shed the radical left who have taken over your, Michael "Traitor" Moore, George Soros, etc.

Was my comment "a little out there"? Absolutely...but to make a point.

Thanks for you comments though and being a regular reader of my blog. :-)

Sat Jun 14, 10:50:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Steve Miller TX said...

Oh, and for the record, I'm an Independent/Libertarian. I've no love for the Republicans, either. ;-)

Sat Jun 14, 10:54:00 PM CDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well I'm glad you cleared up what side of the fence you really stand on.

Anyway the Gladys Kravitz of the world want to know what is REALLY going on.. give us some gossip...

I think i'm going to go and do some "rejoicing" with my pillow.

Good night or good early morning.. from one smart a*& to another.. Peace out...

Pronunciation: \ri-ˈjȯis\
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): re·joiced; re·joic·ing
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French rejois-, stem of rejoier, rejoir, from re- + joir to welcome, enjoy, from Latin gaudēre to be glad — more at joy

Sun Jun 15, 01:38:00 AM CDT  

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