Thursday, June 05, 2008

Hell Cometh To Tornado Alley Today

Mother nature is poised to unleash a vicious wrath upon the plains states today. From Minnesota to Oklahoma and perhaps the Red River Valley of Texas, a very significant and dangerous event is unfolding. I truly hope that everybody living in these areas maintain a constant vigil every minute of every hour with a plan of action to take shelter. It promises to be a brutal assault from the skies above.

The most "impressive" aspect if this system is the unusual strength of the upper air system for this time of year. All of the models advertise a 80-90 knot 500mb jet streak arriving and taking hold at peak heating today. That's something I'd expect to see in April this far south. So, the energy aloft crashing into the plains today is pretty astounding to say the least.

The 80-90 knot mid level jet streak is also why this is such a serious situation unfolding as storm speeds will be 45-55 mph reducing warning and reaction times. And, it's also why I'll sit this one out...even if I had the day off to chase. I might consider just south of the Red River though, but only to catch something a little slower moving. In any event, storms will be moving rapidly.

Today will see the entire meteorological encyclopedia (including snow in higher elevations of CO?). All modes of severe weather, and extreme examples of each, will be seen today. The main scenario is a big, honkin' squall line rapidly developing along the DL/front with tornadic supercells at first followed by embedded tornadic cells in the line. Bowing segments will likely be moving pretty rapidly with vicious straight-line winds. I certainly expect to see 100mph+ reports from the linear stuff.

The biggest concern are isolated tornadic supercells ahead of the line. It certainly looks like a pretty sure bet this will happen, but exactly where is tough to forecast. I'd say KS has the best shot at this down to the I-40 corridor in OK. Any of these beasts certainly will have a tendency to be impressive, cyclic tornado producers and perhaps even long-tracked and violent ones. It is certainly something to be weary of today.

I hope and pray that damage today will be minimal with towns and cities spared the violent tornadoes. Everybody in the weather and public safety community will be called to active duty today. They face a very long and stressful day and I don't envy them one bit. I certainly hope that the general public will pay heed to any and all warnings and keep a constant ear to NOAA Weather Radio or a reliable TV/radio station today and be ready to take immediate action.


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