Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Barney Fife Strikes Again!!

After the incident with Barney Fife last year with stormchasers, he strikes again this season in his best form yet. In an unbelievable account, stormchaser Brian Barnes seems to have been falsely charged and arrested in Crane County, Texas this past Tuesday.

By many accounts, the deputy was abusive and out-of-control....just the quality you need for a law enforcement officer carrying a deadly weapon and the ability to make life or death decisions.

I certainly hope that the citizens and officials in Crane County take it seriously if no other reason than their own safety. I have to wonder if this deputy has had previous encounters like this in the past. I hope other law enforcement professionals are concerned with a rotten apple within their ranks.

Check out this excellent story by KWES out of Midland. Be sure to view the video link of the news story they ran.

In addition, Brian has divulged some more detailed information on WX_CHASE that is truly damning to this idiot deputy and the unfortunate, innocent citizens of the county to a hefty lawsuit. More details will come out of this of course when the lawsuit is settled.

A very active thread is running about it on Stormtrack which will be the best source of info as this situation progresses and finds it's eventual conculsion...lots better than my blog for keeping up with it:

Things got real interesting too when Fark picked up on it. I hope Crane County's webservers are being monitored. :-)

Oh of this morning, picked up the story too. LOL!!

Lastly, feel free to contact county officials and express your opinion on the matter. I certainly did:

As a note to the vast majority of law enforcement officers out there that may stumble upon this blog, I'm in no way taking a swipe at those that work hard to be professional and uphold and enforce the law. I have had many positive encounters with law enforcement officers whom I have the utmost respect for. I have always willingly shared information about the severe storms in the area in order to help them warn those who they are sworn to protect. It's unfortunate that a few bad apples like this work to ruin such hard work and dedication by tarnishing the image of the LEO community as a whole....

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