Monday, February 25, 2008

My SDS Runneth Over & GW Rant

Beautiful spring-like weather erupted across Texas this past weekend. That along with the sun increasing the angle of it's trek across the sky....and March now a few days away....and preparing to attend two SKYWARN sessions this week....and after re-equipping my vehicle....

....well....I'm just plain giddy ;-p~

It's nice to come out of the January and February doldrums. Those are my least favorite months of the year unless we get a big snowstorm. But now, my mood is much better, energy level is up, and the anticipation of the convective season definitely lifts my spirits. This season, I won't have the immense burden hanging over my head of trying to sell a house in a collapsing market. 2008 is a year that I have been looking forward to in my life for a very long time. Let's roll! ;-)

Even without anything to chase, I love the outdoors and spend alot of time enjoying it. I can't wait to take a trip down to Lake Alan Henry and stalk monster bass as they migrate into the shallows both to spawn and feed. Jay, David, and anybody else, get that fishing tackle and camping gear ready. :-)

In other news, I can't help but get a real good chuckle out of the latest report that North America, Siberia, Mongolia and China now have MORE snowcover than at any time since 1966. Along with the big bustola of the two previous hurricane season forecasts, the global warming alarmists and Al Gore worshippers are continuing to prove themselves even bigger idiots. They will in true fashion ignore this latest news story or spin it in order to continue to brainwash themselves that the planet is going to be one big microwave in 20 years. Just tie some heat-resistant string to your bag of Orville Redenbacher's and toss it out the window for two minutes. LOL!!

By the way, don't expect the mainstream media to make much of this latest FACT of massive snowcover enveloping the northern hemisphere. They are the ones at the reigns driving the bandwagon (with Al Gore riding shotgun of course and The Weather Channel in his lap). Fear sells...second only to sex scandals and hollywood stars going to rehab. Our media nowadays is nothing more than tabloid trash, regurgitating press releases, and trying to influence the political landscape with conjured stories to smear or ommitted stories to protect. True journalism died years ago.

Again, for those new to this blog, I certainly agree that we are in a "warming" period AND that it is a good idea to reduce our impact on the environment. However, to be a fear monger proclaiming as a matter of fact that man-made global warming is going to destroy us all is lunacy in it's purest sense. Weren't these the same idiots shrieking hysterically about the impending ice age back in the 70's? Yes-sir-ee. We've had warmer periods than this in our climatic history to be certain. We've also had cold periods. To expect that the earth's climate should remain in a steady state with no fluctuations is, well, pretty damned stupid.

Does anybody else still think reducing the areal coverage of rain forests is more harmful than driving an SUV? It's amazing to me that this old liberal mantra so popular in the 90's (remember the benefit concerts and such?) is rarely being preached anymore. It's now all about "carbon footprints" and "carbon credits" or whatever the latest liberal catch phrase is today. We are still allowing rain forests to be raped for resources. Similar to heat island effects in cities, the effect of clearing out dense canopies of trees and vegetation is painfully obvious and course on a much grander scale. But, like I said, that is so "yesterday's news". Rip off those old bumperstickers if you got 'em. ;-)

As more scientists back away from the global warming bandwagon and more contradictory evidence arises, the main point emerges that nobody truly knows what is going on regarding man's effects versus natural ones. I side with the natural effects being the main influence. However, it's still a science very much in it's infancy and mother earth is much too complex for the arrogance of man's intelligence. So yeah, to be safe, we should err on the side of caution. But to run around like Chicken Little with his head cut off (or as my friend Kermit to the left demonstrates) based on half-truths and "theories" is totally absurd. Think about the story of "The Boy Who Cried Wolf". 'Nuff said.

EDIT: Right after I posted this blog, yet MORE data comes out to smack the global warming alarmists smack upside the head. READ ABOUT IT HERE. As suspected (and expected), it is confirmed that the past twelve months has seen drastic global COOLING that about wipes out a century of warming. This is confirmed by ALL four major global temperature tracking organizations. And, guess what? It's attributed to reduced solar activity....the same activity which also causes the planet to warm. Stick that in your pipe Al Gore and take a big, long hit. LOL!! So, any bets when the lefty loonies will get the bandwagon ready for global cooling? ;-) As I said, nobody knows for certain what is going on, so the next few years will prove quite interesting.

Okay, enough ranting. ;-) I'll post more this week about SKYWARN events I'm attending this week. The Amarillo event will be with Jay and Kanani tomorrow night. I'm attending a severe weather workshop and SKYWARN class in Lubbock Saturday with David and Graham. Heck, my folks might even attend that one since it is right around the corner from their house. I hope that at each event, I can meet and greet with some of the NWS & EM folks to hopefully be of assistance when the season of violent supercells in the Texas Panhandles and West Texas is unleashed.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The weather updates are good, but inquiring minds want to know what is really going on. With the passing of my husband and still being in the mourning stage I live vicarously through single people. Hope you are having a good time up there in Canada. ;) HAHA -- Shiloh

Tue Feb 26, 10:21:00 AM CST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah yes time to dust off the WxWorx, Charge the camera bateries and apply the RainX to the windshield. I have my dancing shoes on in the hopes of enthrawling myself in the chaser dance of meriment.

This Sunday offers our 1st possible chance to shake off the cobwebs and view ma nature in all her fury :)

Tue Feb 26, 11:08:00 AM CST  
Blogger Glenn said...

FYI, this is Moller's last year of advanced Skywarn sessions

Wed Feb 27, 06:20:00 AM CST  
Blogger Steve Miller TX said...

Dang, really?! No more garden hose demonstrations of stretched horizontal vorticity? ;-)

Seriously, what's the scoop? Is he phasing into retirement? I always thought that the advanced SKYWARN sessions he did were fascinating and informational. In particular, his case study presentation of the "Red River Outbreak" that produced the infamous Wichita Falls wedge was outstanding.

I'm selfishly hoping that when he does eventually retire that he will do some sort of speaker circuit gig and share his vast knowlege like the aformentioned presentation with others.

I know that there is a presentation honoring him at the TESSA convention on the 8th. Maybe we'll know more after that.

Wed Feb 27, 07:02:00 PM CST  

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