Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!!

I hope everybody has a great, safe holiday with lots of good food, football, and naps! :-)

And, just in time, old man winter charged in and kicked the snot out of our extended, warm weather. Now we are looking at a couple rounds of wintery weather through the next few days. In the more distant future, the first of December is starting to look pretty darned interesting. More on that as we get closer.

I've also been closely following the CFDG/ST drama the past week. Lots of interesting things have happened both publicly and behind-the-scenes. In short, there was an uprising among the peasants against the ruling class CFDGers. Questions were raised about the double standards and hypocrisy with some great examples of such. Some of the ones leading the charge have been targeted for reprisal in order to quell the rebellion. I won't dive into it deeply right now as I'm about to head out of town for awhile. I may expand on this abit more when I get back.


Blogger Wayfarer said...

Well Steve as for this "storm opera" currently playing out I must say that it is making for great reading on the websites. I am still a little fuzzy on the details. It is sad that with all the area and space out there that these "turf wars" break out. Maybe you all can patch it up. Until then we back here in the East will sit and watch and wish that we haed storms to fight over..;-).

Fri Nov 23, 10:55:00 AM CST  
Blogger Unknown said...

This is going to keep flaring up. Next season will be interesting with both sides waiting to blow the whistle on the other for inappropriate conduct. Ahhhh, chaser drama...

Mon Nov 26, 12:32:00 PM CST  
Blogger Wayfarer said...

"This week on a very special Oprah"...

Tue Nov 27, 08:51:00 PM CST  

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