Friday, December 21, 2007

MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! (and my CFDG rant)

Sorry for the lack of blog activity, but I've been pretty tied up with getting my new venture underway. Plus, I've enjoyed chill-out vacation mode since I left my other job back on the 11th. After spending the rest of this month getting my folks relocated and settled, I'll be ready to hit the ground running with my business after New Years. I'm looking forward to it! I've got to shout out to my twin namesake Steve Miller OK for some good business advice. He's on my board of directors now. ;-)

I really enjoy this time of year as it is at least a temporary break from the insanity we endure the rest of the year....unless you fight the hoardes at the mall. It also helps to sooth the off-season SDS symptoms too. However, after January 1st, the symptoms flare up and chasers start getting real nasty. This leads me to my rant-of-the week. ;-)

On the chasing front, the "stormchasing community" is all abuzz with the new show coming out next week. It features the "Outlaw Chasers" Randy Hicks and Lanny Dean in a show called "Tornado Hunters". It premiers Tuesday night on CourtTV at 9PM Central time. I'm looking forward to it and expect it will be pretty good. I also like it because the Outlaws ruffle the feathers of many in the "stormchasing community" and in particular the CFDG stormchaser police. I just want one of the Outlaws' t-shirts or hat. :-)

Brilliantly created by Bill Doms. Get the T-shirt HERE

They have been the target of some of the most brutal abuse from the aforementioned groups than anybody has experienced. They rank right up there with Warren Faidley, Jeff Piotrowski, and Reed Timmer in being blacklisted and victims of outrageous vendettas. At one time, I was a sheep and believed what was being espoused by some of the "veterens" until I heard the other side of the story along with my own experience and observations over the years.

Most, if not nearly all, of this comes from the CFDGers themselves who, in an open letter, tried to convince the peasants that their intentions are peaceful and that they don't engage in such smear efforts. ROFLAMO! Some of us non-sheep that have been around awhile know better. I've always been confused as to why some chasers (CFDG members) were "allowed" to star in TV commercials, chase documentraies, sell video/pictures, chase for TV stations, participate in or operate chase tour companies....but other chasers (non-CFDG) were not. I's just me I guess.

In fact, Chuck Doswell himself wrote an open letter that basically told everybody who didn't praise him to stick it up their wazoo. I'd like to send on "open letter" to CFDG via a third party and exclaim passionately that I never intend to join their group. :-) The hypocrisy was pretty thick in both "open letters" which is no surprise given the double standards and hypocrisy we've seen from them in the past. I had written a nice, long detailed blog entry detailing that along with some of the behind-the-scenes antics of the CFDGers over the years against any chaser who steps out of line.

But really, in the end, I don't give a crap. My time and effort is better spent elsewhere like cleaning my shower. However, if the rumor is true that certain CFDG members are pushing for legislation in Oklahoma that restrict or legislate stormchasing/storm spotting activities (and of course getting CFDG members special permissions or passes to do so), then you'll hear alot more from me about this. Come to think of it, that's also pretty funny because they base their "fear" on chaser yahooism birthing such legislation.

One thing is certain, now that "the list" of CFDG members was revealed, we'll be checking that list....checking it twice....gonna see who's been naughty or nice. LOL!

Other than that, looking for a few shots at some wintery precip here in the Panhandles over the next week. There's still some uncertainly on the mid-week system though. Keep your eyes on that one. I will be because I'll be on the road at that time.

My best wishes to all of my friends out there and hope all have Merry Christmas!! I hope you find your favorite chase-gadgets under the tree. :-)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas- Shiloh T. Blackburn III.

Fri Dec 21, 09:53:00 PM CST  
Blogger Steve Miller TX said...

Hey, Shiloh, I *think* I know who who are....send me an email!! :-)

Fri Dec 21, 10:59:00 PM CST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sure... :) I have something to do today, but will do later on today..

Sat Dec 22, 08:32:00 AM CST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I dont even have to comment on the CFDG thing since we both agree on all the BS.

Glad your finally going to take the self-employed plunge. The only big drawback is always medical but taking days off in an "emergency" for a moderate risk will be easier. Can even work from the road while waiting for the lid to break. LOL

Oh boy what a day we are waking up to. The drive to work was something. Almost blizzard conditions and by the looks of the radar the worst is yet to come. I think we may have to bump that 1-2" deal plus winds sustained at 40 with gusts close to 50 last hour you can barely see the highway. At least we are on the wraparound now so it shoud,be gone by this evening in time for people to get out and watch the cowboy game on the NFL network BS again. can you imagine tonight with all the drunks after the game and the snow/ice cover!! Have a feeling my pager is going to be constantly sounding.

Still need us to get together for our SDS video party after the new year.

Merry Christmas Steve (and everybody else. Yes I said it. No winters break crap. Its Christmas!!As in Christ was born!!

Sat Dec 22, 08:36:00 AM CST  
Blogger Steve Miller said...

Steve – thanks for the props!
I figure two business degrees, a decent stint in executive-level management and now owning a couple companies of my own should qualify me to go in to a bunch of business related online forums and declare my superiority, then proclaim that I will never, ever be a part of said forum due to silly antics of those less significant then myself. I will begin crafting my “open letter” this afternoon…

Okay, on a more serious note, Merry Christmas to everyone from a very cold and windy Oklahoma City. Right now the cold front just passed and we have been below freezing for about an hour with temps expected to continue falling throughout the day. We have sustained winds at 25 with gusts to 32. Looks like you might be getting it worse in AMA right now than we are though. A little snow is showing up on radar to my west – fun times.

Time to go wrangle patio furniture…

Sat Dec 22, 12:20:00 PM CST  
Blogger Steve Miller said...

Forgot to mention that CFDG has a mole on their hands... Someone has been e-mailing me forum content for the past week or so. I have no idea who it is but they are coming from a YAHOO address which adds a little irony to the whole thing.
I'll forward to you in a few.

Sat Dec 22, 02:28:00 PM CST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Check your email. Keep in touch when you have time. Shiloh

Sun Dec 23, 05:09:00 AM CST  
Blogger DM said...

I'm just glad I'll never have to be a kiss ass to this "group" to advance in my career field. Even if I was, I wouldn't.

There are a number of CFDG people on that list, that got their jobs (NWS, NSSL, NWC, etc) because they brown-nosed and were recommended by other members. Sad, sad, community it is. When I first joined Stormtrack (and the "community" I suppose)in 2004, I thought people would be willing to help myself and other, but found quite the opposite was true.

Almost immediately, people would tell me of all the behind-the-scenes bullshit that would go on, and most of it made me laugh. Now it's time to laugh at them.

Every time I post a blog now, I see quite a few subscribers in that group are there almost instantly. They can't stand the fact that people are talking about it. And as long as it keeps resurfacing on forums and blogs, people are going to get sick of the name...and they slowly go away.

Anyways, I hope you have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Years, and here's to 2008! Maybe we'll see each other out there someday.


Tue Dec 25, 02:04:00 PM CST  
Blogger Lanny said...

Steve, Hey just wanted to say thanks for the plug on the show and I hope you as well as everyone else liked it.
I will not go into any rantings regarding GFDG(s) as I suspect I do not have to now.
My best to you from all of us Outlaws and I will get you a shirt and hat as soon as I can
Take care,

Wed Dec 26, 04:44:00 PM CST  
Blogger Glenn said...

I must be crazy or something. I thought the open letters were OK.....

and after I finally found Chuck's presentation title I almost want to go to the conference just to watch for fireworks. But I suspect it'll be a lot of people getting upset over not much of anything. Oh wellz.

Fri Dec 28, 12:15:00 PM CST  
Blogger Glenn said...

oh, and what's this self-employed thing? Photography? Freelance coding? Inquiring minds ......

Fri Dec 28, 12:17:00 PM CST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

it's kinda funny really...when I was pretty green in chasing, I never wanted to go against "the big names" because if i did, i thought something was wrong with my reading your and others post...i know that wasn't the case. I am gonna chase how I want to chase, i dont need these other eleiteists to tell me how I should. nothing but a bunch of BS!!!

Mike S.
Lancaster, MO

Wed Jan 02, 03:59:00 AM CST  

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