Monday, February 18, 2008

The Infamous Ricky Cates?

I was just sent this and also saw it on Shane Adams' blog who this character makes fun of. I can sympathize with Shane as I had a few deranged whacko stalkers myself back in 2006. Be sure to watch the 7 different episodes.

Now, the question is who the heck is this guy? He sounds very familiar to a character infamously known as "Ricky Cates". For years, he has harrassed just about everybody in the storm chasing community, including yours truly, via email. He even harassed Chuck Doswell, who in turn made fun of one of Ricky's emails at the Storm Chaser Convention ion 2006. His signature style of those emails were very unique and from the mind of a very deranged and disturbed individual. The babbling in those emails is very simliar to that you see on the video.

Myself and a couple of friends were able to determine that he was from the DFW area...likely Fort Worth. One of his ISP servers that the emails originated from was located in the Fort Worth area and in particular around Watauga, Bedford, Euless & North Richland Hills.

Lo and behold, after watching all 7 episodes, the character in the video lives in that area...even ranting about getting busted for DWI by a local police department there. He also mentions that he works at The Ball Park In Arlington. One episode even mentions the Fort Worth tornado from last year as if he was there.

So, it is pretty obvious to me that this is the infamous "Ricky Cates". If you carefully make notes during all 7 episodes, there is enough information to track him down for legal purposes. From what I understand, he has also violated a few laws and in particular Federal FCC laws with regards to harassing truckers in that area of town on Citizen's Band radio. This should be quite an interesting fate for ol' "Ricky Cates". Karma can be a bitch.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't believe all you guys are giving that jackoff airtime. That's EXACTLY what he's craving...attention! You know who this is from the IP, but I posting anonymous because the last thing I need is yet another psycho, wanna-be storm chaser harassing me!

Mon Feb 18, 09:12:00 PM CST  
Blogger Steve Miller TX said...

As for airtime, he's already gotten alot of that on his own by harassing everybody for years. Please refer to the recent Stormtrack posts, the WX_CHASE archives and Doswell's public humiliation of him. Now he's on youtube promoting himself.

The opportunity to identify and locate this character was too great to pass up. I posted info that I knew and hopefully others will post as well. The combined information will hopefully allow him to be identified.

He's a loose cannon and could be the potential next mass murderer that is becoming too commonplace nowadays. If ignored, he is unstable enough to resort to other measures.

If you think I'm paranoid or hyping it up, you've been hiding under a rock for the past several years. Turn on the news every once in awhile or read a newspaper.

Tue Feb 19, 12:08:00 AM CST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe a quick forward to the powers that be at Arlington Park with the youtube address and some of the e-mail text would be in order:
Not sure what the e-mail address format is but I've seen chasers go to great lengths in order to smear another chaser so I'm sure someone is bored and lonely enough to do it.
I too will remain anonymous - well, except to Steve since he can view the blog stats, oh, and those of you who aparently study every chaser's writing style and make comparisons for accusation purposes...
(the three periods are a hint)

Wed Feb 20, 01:37:00 PM CST  
Blogger Glenn said...

and he picks on Jim Leonard and Shane - it's GOTTA be Ricky.

Strangely, he looks and talks kinda like ol' Steve here. Are you sure this isn't you doing parody?


Thu Feb 21, 01:33:00 PM CST  
Blogger Steve Miller TX said...

Glenn, you of all people know that my parody talents far exceed anything this nutcase can come up with. ;-)

Sun Feb 24, 12:30:00 PM CST  
Blogger Glenn said...

true, this is true...

But I did chuckle a bit when I noticed his cap and mustache and actually thought of you *hehehe*

Mon Feb 25, 06:30:00 PM CST  
Blogger Steve Miller TX said...

Ummm...I'm flattered I guess. LOL!!

Wed Feb 27, 06:48:00 PM CST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm no storm chaser, but take a look at this:

He often posts under the name "big bad John" on the North Richland Hills TOPIX forum where he's made plenty of enemies.


Wed Mar 26, 06:07:00 PM CDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

(NOTE: This comment has been edited to hide personal non-public information. I will not be responsible/libel for such private information being displayed much as he probably deserves it. ;-))

Ok Now I'm pissed! Some one deleted my comment about "Rick" were he lives. Basically Rick Cates comes from some one he use to know. There are other cates in nrh, but they are not him.
His real name is ________. he lives at _____________
NRH texas
his phone is
he lives alone. So dont hesitate to give "rick" _____ a call. No he doesn't work at the ball park he works at some gas station.

Wed Mar 26, 11:23:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Steve Miller TX said...


Nobody's comments have been deleted from this blog. I review all comments before posting them. It is extremely rare that I don't publish comments (and almost always is some sort of spam crap).

As I noted above, I blanked out the private information because I do have control over what is published here. So, that makes me responsible. If that upsets you, sorry. It's my blog ;-)

The purpose of this blog post was to alert others in the stormchasing community, whom he has relentlessly dogged and harassed for many years, that he had publicly surfaced with an opportunity to track him down for legal purposes only...if he has in the past or will in the future do anything illegal.

So, any other comments on this topic will be subject to more editing or even rejection with regards to what I wrote above. From what I read on that other website that the previous anonymous poster linked to, I don't see why my blogsite is even needed. :-)

Wed Mar 26, 11:42:00 PM CDT  

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