Thursday, January 24, 2008


I know I said I would start updating more frequently the last time. LOL!! I've either not felt like it or just did not have the time. My folks' big moving day was a week ago and I spent several days helping them get settled in and situated. They are officially and safely planted in Lubbock now. It is a huge relief and comfort to get that over with. There are certainly things that are a helluva lot more important than stormchasing.

I still have one more trip to get all of their audio-visual stuff hooked up including setting up a wireless router in their house. That is the final piece to make their move complete. This of course is assuming that Sudden Link Communications gets it installed correctly when they promise.

As for my new business venture, I have to admit that I haven't jumped in to it yet as I had wanted. That will start next week without a doubt. I've been putting off a few potential projects, but the good news is that I'm getting a couple of new inquiries every few days. The work is out there and waiting for me. It's a damned good position to be in.

And I just gotta comment on the Cowboys. Why did they lose? Well, it certainly didn't help that they all went on a week's vacation prior to their big playoff game. Superbowl teams don't do that...ever. They work their butts off practicing and honing their plays and offensive/defensive schemes and watch hours upon hours of video of the team they are going up against. They are hungry and determined. The New York Giants certainly proved that. So have the New England Patriots. With the Cowboys' level of playing declining in the last few games of the season and looking pretty pitiful compared to the first half of the season, the last thing they needed was a week off. Oh well.

As the month of January wanes, the SDS is really starting to escalate to epidemic proportions. As pissy as some chasers are starting to get, there might be some gang related activity at the Stormchaser Convention. That should be quite fun to watch for those going. Be sure to practice flashing your chaser gang-affiliation symbols. LOL!!

On a more practical note, it will be interesting to once again see how this season unfolds. Will May once again crap out for the most part? It will be interesting to see if it does. With the very cold winter we are experiencing, I'll be particularly interested in seeing what kind of moisture we have to work with this year. I read something by Rich Thompson of the SPC talking about colder airmasses spreading out over the GOM and Caribbean actually increasing the overall hemispheric moisture content. I'll see if I can dig that up someplace so that I don't practice science without a net. I'm not a CFDG-approved publicator (is that a word?). ;-)

But, basically, there is a greater latent heat transfer from the relatively warmer GOM waters when that occurs. Thus, more moisture is "absorbed" from the balmy tropical waters into the colder airmass. This certainly explains why the warmer winters we had were followed by drier springs where dewpoints would crater with daytime heating as the 850mb bone-dry air would mix out the very thin and shallow surface moisture....despite several days or return air over the GOM. The 850mb layer was bone dry across most of this hemispheric region.

I'm starting to look forward to the upcoming season!! To get us through February, I and a few friends are planning a major SDS therapy session in a few weeks. Hopefully a Panhandle blizzard won't screw it up.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have already started updating all my chase links and cleaning the truck up and making sure everything works and is packed.

SDS party will be at my house on feb 10th at 2pm. I will have chips/dip/cokes/etc.. You guys bring the video. Anybody want to chip in on food let me know. Maybe we will order some pizzas since this may go on all evening :)

Thu Jan 24, 04:53:00 PM CST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I got a buttload of pizza hut coupons!! That said, dietary restraints aren't favoring pizza for me. :(

I have done NOTHING but upgrade the new laptop to get ready for chasing. I have a busy February ahead.

I can't complain, I have been busier than a one legged man in an ass kicking contest with paying work, and more frustrated than an Amish electrician at not having enough hours in the day to get it all done!

I am going to do my best to come to the SDS party, even if I ain't toting video. Unless you guys want me to bust out the old TVC trio.

Thu Jan 24, 10:04:00 PM CST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Steve, I missed you Sunday!! I ried caling but obviously you were busy.... :o). I am looking forward to the party! It will not be too long until we were chasing this time last year! *happy dance*

Fri Jan 25, 12:56:00 AM CST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you dead again? An historic outbreak and not a peep from you?

Is the party still on Sunday?

Wed Feb 06, 09:41:00 PM CST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OH yes it is.. My house at 2pm.. You, Me, Kanani. STeve, Jason, and Chris and tons of video, plan on a good marathon of video. Steve is bringing drink and I am providing snacks. We will decide on heavier food once all are present. We can order pizza, wings, salad.. that should cover the We will find a way to accomodate any diets.

Steve and I had lunch today so I know he is at least alive if not a hermit.

Thu Feb 07, 01:15:00 AM CST  
Blogger Dewdrop said...

OK, Mr. Hermit... I expected a little something out of the Peanut Gallery. What gives?

Thu Feb 07, 09:59:00 AM CST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jay, you guys have a lot of video, should I bother brining any? I have some stuff from further south when you guys were up north I don't think you have seen from last year.

Anything we need to bring? Graham and I are coming.

Thu Feb 07, 05:59:00 PM CST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just bring some video if u want to show it. Like I said I will havce snacks and we will order out..not sure about your diet needs so you may want to consider that. Cool to have Graham coming too. This is turning out to be a goodsize chase convergence :)

Anybody else on here want to come?? more than welcome.. May be a bit of a drive but so what.

Thu Feb 07, 08:49:00 PM CST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, I am going to be there too!

Fri Feb 08, 02:05:00 PM CST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great party last night folks. looking forward to stevs writeup and pics. THis will now be an annual event!!! Thanks for coming.

Mon Feb 11, 03:17:00 PM CST  

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