Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Ides of March

(I've added one more picture that I forgot to include earlier)

In celebrating Ceasar's last stand (or is that Custer?), I thought I'd throw in a hodge-podge of things into the blog this evening.

My WxWorx receiver should hit the door tomorrow just in time for this weekend's possible chase. With that and Cingular cellular data and wifi spots all over the place, I have no excuse not to see tornadoes this year. LOL!! When the income tax check arrives within the next week, I'll complete my equipment wish list with a Sony VX-2100 to do my video more justice. I just hope I'll have gas money for the rest of the season. LOL!

I've finally started playing around with an old version of Adobe Premiere, but will likely go ahead and get the latest Pinnacle software. Anyway, here is my first stab at real video editing: June 12, 2005 - Tornado #1. I'll add the other tornadoes of that day as I get time. I'll also start using some of my own music. I've got LOTS of partial musical pieces and snippets/ideas recorded. I need to put forth the serious work of completing them all, editing, final mix downs, and mastering. I've got a few completed pieces that I need to remix and remaster now that I've got more computer horsepower to do so.

Last Friday was my first official chase of the season: Lighting Pics. I was pretty lucky that everything worked out with the water foreground at Lake Texoma and then the last picture with the big dipper and distant storm (quality is kinda crappy...will work on that).

Although Saturday was a bust, I had a good time with Bob Hall, Hans Schroeder, and my twin by namesake (and now by popularity/notoriety LOL!!) Steve Miller. Here is the "administration" discussing how to divide tornado alley into respective territories and which "Capo" will manage it for "da family" Schlotzsky's no doubt.

Hans came up with a gang symbol for us to "flash" (pun intended) at other chaser gangs this season. It's supposed to represent . We're still working on it as demonstrated by both Steve Millers. (courtesy of Bob Hall)

Yep...we finally meet and join forces for evil. Steve and I actually discovered that we are Dr. Jonas Miller's evil sons spawned from his secret romantic encounter with Dr. Jo Harding. (if you don't get it...go rent "Twister"...again). Be very afraid.

Hmmm...that kind of makes me think of other infamous duos:

The original "yahoo" stormchasers. In a "storm of the century"....on a small 100 foot swells. Gotta love those expressions.
(added 3/16/06)

(thanks to Bob Hall)

..and actually, the Data reference would work nicely too.....



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