Monday, March 06, 2006

The Last Word (hopefully)

Well, now that everybody has come out of the woodwork and taken their shots at me, I thought I'd clear up some of the the intentional misinformation being spread around by my personal fan club. I've been patient and very restrained while I've endured a ton of crap being thrown at me. I thought my fan club would have shot their wad and been done with it. Nope. In response however, I'll spare you a 100,000 word dissertation.

It's really very simple. I argued against the secret, private list created on Stormtrack last year (and it wasn't in no testing phase either). Why? Because the original intent of Stormtrack was to always be open to ALL chasers. They didn't have a separate secret publication being printed and sent out to a selected elite membership. The original online version was the same way. I made a stand to keep that spirit and original intent alive. Call me old school if you want. For the record, I made it crystal clear on several occasions that my beef wasn't with private lists OUTSIDE of Stormtrack. I repeatedly made that distinction. I didn't give a crap about somebody forming their own private groups elsewhere.

Anybody that truly knows me knows without a doubt that I would never conceive of proposing such an idea. In fact, if you dig around enough, you'll see that I took the initiative in starting a couple of open forums for chasers myself including with the intention of gently moderating the list to keep the signal to noise ratio high and the flame wars squelched including personal attacks. It never really took off though even with several hundred members signed up. Interestingly, a member of my current fan club was one of the moderators of this list.

Anyway, since Tim V disbanded the private group and reorganized StormTrack, a couple of members of that list really became infuriated and certainly let me know that in private emails. One in particular has made it his life mission in trying to seek me out and destroy me in the public realm. Instead of just letting it go and dealing with it from over nine months ago, they've embarked on a vicious and obsessive personal vendetta. In reading the blogs out there, you can easily see that for yourself. The recent "discovery" that I was on a private list OUTSIDE of Stormtrack really sent them into a feeding frenzy by seizing the opportunity to really "teach me a lesson" and to "expose me to the world for what I really am". They were ecstatic that they had finally "ferreted me out". I can't help but think of a scene from a western movie: "Hey, Sheriff, they's a callin' you out". ROFLMAO!! I can't make this shit up. My pet name for them is "The StormCult Character Assassination Hit Squad". Like it? ;-) I'd love to do a parody of "Kill Bill Volume One" and assign names to the members like "Vortex", "Helicity", "Meso", "Theta-E". I might ask for other creative input later down the road if this crap keeps up.

I don't define my self worth as a person according to my current stature in the "stormchasing community". Others do however and my fan club members will undoubtedly continue their harassment and personal vendettas against me as they seem to have PLENTY of time and motivation to do so. That's what psychotic obsessed stalkers do....especially when they have a score to settle. So look for more derogatory blog posts and other efforts coming soon to a drama blog near you...especially after they read this. I can hear their veins bulging in their necks already as well as their feet stomping and teeth gnashing. LOL!!! I predict that the venom about to be spewed forth will be even more toxic than before. Heck, with the current trend, I expect to see a 500,000 word unauthorized biography of myself hitting the bookstores soon. LOL!! Will they finally just let this matter die and go on with their lives? Nope. Not until they have felt like they've won. This crap will be ongoing for years. The CAPE values are off the chart. (CAPE in this instance is the Chaser Anger Potential Equation).

So, there you have it. The "other" side of the story. This is truly MY last word on the subject because kids, I've got better, more healthier things to spend my time on that are more deserving of my attention and energy. ( that a storm system coming up this week?) The world of stormchasing is but a very small part of it and is a hobby. I've also found that most people out there just don't give a crap about this whole mess and I certainly don't blame them. I've already written way too much and given this way more attention than it deserves. I am though truly concerned about the mental health and stability of my fan club members as they continue their obsession with me. Hmmmm....maybe there is a cure. I'll let Robin Williams speak for me here:

OK, kiddies, run to your keyboards and start angrily typing out your next blog post. :-) We're all watching and waiting for your next slam against me or yet another deep psychological analysis. LOL!! All the world's a stage. But, please spare us and keep it under 5000 words, ok?

This is my last word on the subject. Unfortunately, it's not going to be for my fan club members. I've had my say on it. It's time to move it was over nine months ago.

Addendum: You had best be worrying more about your behavior on the road (I'm worrying about it too as I've made mistakes like everybody else) and elsewhere including other chasers falsely impersonating NWS employees to get past roadblocks as happened in Rooks, County KS last year on June 9th. If you REALLY want to go out and save the stormchasing world from evil, there's plenty there.


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