Saturday, March 18, 2006

3/18 Update From SW TX

Sitting here in Sonora immediately south of the warm front. There are a few breaks in the clouds, but pretty much overcast from a layer od mid level clouds. It's 70/63 here, but just to my SE, lower 80 temps are advecting NW. There is good convergence along the warm front and with such wild baroclinicity, something should (hopefully) pop in this area pretty soon. Nothing really encouraging on satellite yet as anything trying to bubble up....but I like the clearing trend. However, as I write, some surface based cumulus is starting to look healthy immediately to my west and now just to my north along the warm front. It's tough to distinguish though because of the poor contrast. Nothing to write home about though. CAPE is now around 1500 with 2000-2500 further west in the Davis mountains...which has been a target I've been considering seriously (miniture upslope conditions). It's after 4, so it's time for something to get going. Will decide to stay here or head west in a few minutes.


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