Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Stoneburg, Texas

I've been busy trying to catch up since Thursday. I still have more pictures and video to process from the 16th and 17th. I hope to have it completed this week before the big chase weekend arrives. It promises to be the best setup so far this season where 50Td has ruled the plains. Not anymore. :-) A broad SW flow with embedded impulses around a large western trough will allow the atmosphere to really prime itself in addition to not creating a massive convective melee. Drylines, surface lows, triple points, oh my. :-)

As I was coming back from DFW on Sunday, I surveyed the towns of Sunset and Stoneburg which were devestated by wildfires on April 9th. Sunset had a few buildings heavily damaged or destroyed, but the town is mostly intact. However, Stoneburg was not as lucky. Most of the town'sbuildings and homes were burned to the ground. Only a very small few escaped. I estimate that only about 20% remain.

I have uploaded a photo gallery detailing this sad tragedy. I might get some video loaded later this week. A sample of the photo gallery is below.


Blogger Dewdrop said...

Incredibly story, Steve! Wow.

Thu Apr 23, 12:04:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Dewdrop said...

Gosh, do I type much?? Incredible.

Fri Apr 24, 08:17:00 AM CDT  
Blogger Steve Miller TX said...

A good writer such as yourself can never type too much. Your blog is always a great read. Keep it going! :-)

Fri Apr 24, 05:03:00 PM CDT  

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