Friday, April 24, 2009

Exponential Stormgasm

Those who know me have heard my reminiscing of "the good ol' days" when you could have an entire week of nearly perpetual red boxes....a significant chase each and every day. A true stormgasmic smorgasbord of incredible storm structure, CG barrages, gorilla hail, wall clouds and tornadoes.

After a very dismal start to the 2009 season, the sputtering and choking of the atmosphere is about to turn into a full, all-out convective melee of mayhem. The models are solid in establishing a large upper air trough setting up residence in the four corners area...for at least a week and perhaps longer. The orientation of it is about as perfect as you would ever dream of. Impulses and little shortwaves will continually eject out of the trough across the southern and central plains over a warm, juicy airmass. With various boundaries and surface lows shuffling around stirring up trouble, the situation is primed and volatile. I personally have not seen such a pattern establishing itself in many many years.

While this is a dream-come-true for stormchasers, residents throughout tornado alley are going to be in for a helluva ride...the unfortunate side of a severe weather cornucopia. Undoubtedly, people will be adversely affected somewhere. I certainly hope that it is very minimal. I strongly urge those who are reading this to ramp up precautions, purchase a weather radio if you haven't already (and if you have/do, get it programmed and tested, replace those batteries), and review your action plans for both at home, work and on the road. Please be weather savvy each and every day for at least the next week. Mother nature will be on the warpath I'm afraid.

With all of that, I will be VERY busy each and every day and of course streaming live video as well as documenting everything with standard video and photos. I will do my best to post at least a couple of photos each day I catch something. Emails and normal correspondence will be put on hold until I can catch my breath. Stay tuned!!!!


Anonymous Ben Holcomb said...

See you on the plains Mr Miller! I'm heading down this afternoon, and should be in OK/KS for tomorrow's show, and Sunday's big show in the TX Panhandle. I don't have to be back home until 5/10

Fri Apr 24, 07:24:00 AM CDT  
Anonymous Matt Johnson said...

Man I live in calgary, Alberta and your first to paragraphs have gotten me excited about the weekend!! Well put.
I'm glad you mentioned the none chasers, the residents of theses areas. I think as chasers we get caught up in the models and potentials that we sometimes (no always) for get that a severe weather weekend like this one can cause a disaster of towns and families in the areas affected.

Fri Apr 24, 10:52:00 AM CDT  
Anonymous JayM said...

Jeff is flying in from Vegas this afternoon and we plan on at least 3 solid days of chasing before he has to head back. I ofcourse will be out every day there is a chase. I am soo glad I have saved up vacation days. Ofcourse the big vacation is 5-21 thru 6-4 but this is a nice warmup and we dont even have to go far :). Maybe we can get David D out with us also.. Woohoo the WTO's ride again!!! Now where is Dennis??? lol

Fri Apr 24, 11:37:00 AM CDT  
Anonymous Ken Reynolds said...

Hey Steve! I am planning on heading out for the showdown on Sunday in the Panhandle. This one is just too good to resist! Maybe I'll see ya out there.

Fri Apr 24, 02:36:00 PM CDT  
Anonymous Jason Boggs said...


Hope to see you out there Steve!

Fri Apr 24, 03:40:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Glenn said...

I just hope I can redeem the last time I was in Woodward.

Sat Apr 25, 07:31:00 AM CDT  

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