Saturday, May 23, 2009

Last Sputtering Gasps Of May?

Latest model runs this evening aren't too encouraging for a good setup in the panhandles for Monday. Still some opportunity for some strong storms as the dryline sharpens up under increasing mid level flow up to 30 knots. The problem is cratering dewpoints across the PH (sound like 2006?). I'm watching it though because deeper/better moisture won't be too far away.

Tuesday is looking better with each run across west central Texas centered around Breckenridge perhaps. Too far out for specific locations, but that general region is really starting to look like a solid chase shaping up. Unfortunately, I have to work, so no chasing for me.

Beyond that, things appear muddled, but some spurts of marginal mid level flow with juicy dewpoints in place across Texas....just not around the panhandle. [sigh] Even further into June, I'm still siding with the idea of a signficant pattern change sometime around the June 6th range. I'm not ready to write off the season just yet. I know what June typically holds in store for the Texas Panhandle. :-)

Here is an image I caught last year on this date of a spectacular supercell erupting near Canadian, TX along the dryline.

It would go on to produce a very nice tornado around Fort Supply, OK. This tornado was pretty much stationary with even a slight westward drift. The video is timelapsed....and ends as I run out of tape in my camera. DOH!!! But I got most of it...thankfully.


Blogger Dewdrop said...


Word verif word - porgally - is that a bad word? It felt... dirty.

Fri May 29, 02:12:00 PM CDT  

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