Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Upcoming Chase-o-rama, Wierd Hail, Doan's Crossing, Tea Party, 10th, Seals

It looks like a real chase-o-rama is in store for my neck of the woods starting tomorrow through Friday...and with any luck Saturday too and likely a cold core event being the best setup. Although, I have some special plans on Saturday and won't be stormchasing unless the plans fall though. :-) Nothing really to add to all of the buzz and discussion out there. Wednesday and Thursday look good for chasing close to home. Friday is looking like it might be just down the road.

Thursday right now looks like the best day because of the best combination of ingredients..in particular the surface setup. it looks like a tornado day to me...tempered by marginal instabilities. Any increase in CAPE profiles would certainly up the ante for more signifcant tornadoes. The biggest problem in my opinion will be little or no cap resulting in widespread cloudiness and precip working to reduce instabilities. Wednesday will be a high-based storm event, but those can be fun too out here on the caprock with some incredible CG production. Friday is going to be a toss up between the warm sector setup and a cold core event closer to the TX PH.

That's just the problem with these big upper level lows. Everything is going to be in a "T-minus 6 hour" forecast mode looking for boundaries, clearing skies, embedded impulses in the upper flow, etc. In fact, these closed upper lows are infamous in moving slower than model forecasts. They can be a real headache for forecasters. It's something to keep an eye on.

The big story will again be a significant rain event across Texas...better than the last system. One thing to consider though, if the models are correct after this system departs, we may have a long wait for the atmosphere to get back into a favorable pattern for chasing storms. It's looking pretty dire for the last half of April.

I'm finally got around to loading the blizzard video from March 27-28th. It's posted below along with my very wierd hail experience this past Sunday north of Vernon, Texas around Fargo and Doan's Crossing. I have never seen nor heard of hail up close to golf ball size that was just as mushy as a snowball. But, that is exactly what I encountered. None of it was solid ice like normal hail. The video, down below the pics, speaks for itself. The only other excitement Sunday was a nice elevated funnel cloud north of Childress and a cool looking hail shaft.

Some pics followed by video....

One of my favorite spots in the TX PH east of Silverton.

I was just outside of Childress when I noticed what looked like a funnel cloud poking out from the hail shaft.

This is Doan's Crossing which I came across just north of Vernon. Interesting history here.

Hey, can I count this as a tornado? ;-)

Strange Hail Event of 4/12/09.


Tomorrow is the tax filing deadline. It is also "Tea Party Day". If you are as sick and tired as I am of the actions or inactions of the federal government this year, make your voice heard and participate in a local tea party. Someday, I hope we can return back to "We the people....".

In fact, just today, the Governor of this great state, which I am proud to call home, came out and supported a resolution that affirms (and I hope asserts) Texas' guaranteed constitutional right to sovereignty outlined under the 10th amendment. The resolution, HCR 50, also designates that federal legislation which Texas is forced to comply with in the face of civil or criminal penalties or losing federal funding to be prohibited or repealed. Hoorah for Gov. Rick Perry and the rest of the state representatives!! I also just heard that 33 other states are discussing something similar? How awesome would that be? LOL!! We will not be assimilated! :-) It's long overdue that "we the people" reign in the federal government back to within the bounds of the Constitution. I also say it's about time to excercise Texas' right to secede from the union too. Enough!

As long as I'm being patriotic this evening, how about a shout out to the US Navy Seals, eh? Great job, guys! Looks like ya'll have some more pirates to take care of though. I kinda feel sorry for them. :-)

That's it for me. LOTS going on this week and weekend for me. I'll update whenever possible, but it might be sporadic if things get as hectic as I think they will be. And that's a good thing! :-)


Blogger p said...

Great blog Steve, Congrats on the coagulated air soft pellets! Your hail funnel (hunnel? lol) as well as rainbow are also quite nice. Seems you've been doing well lately, hope the momentum keeps up! t.c.

Wed Apr 15, 12:59:00 AM CDT  
Anonymous Ben Holcomb said...

Hey Steve I will be in West Texas tomorrow.. Getting into the Oklahoma City area here in the next 20 minutes or so. Going to spend the night at your OK Counterparts in Moore. Looking forward to my first dryline/Caprock chase! :)

Wed Apr 15, 04:31:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Steve Miller TX said...

Thanks Paul! :-) It has been very slim pickin's 'round these parts this season for sure. I certainly have had some luck on my side. I'm looking forward to someday soon the GOM opening up. ;-0

Ben, gimme a shout! I'll be out! :-)

Thu Apr 16, 05:59:00 AM CDT  

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