Wednesday, April 08, 2009


Lots to chat about. First off, Saturday's system which looked promising early on is fading faster than Obama's "messiah" status. ;-) The upper system is quickly trending to a slower/deeper solution which might actually make for a better Sunday event. With this trend, the moisture return will be late in cranking up for Saturday along with weak dynamics aloft arriving towards dark.

However, based on this evening's 00Z and projecting the 84hr forecast through 96hr, Sunday is looking a potential VERY potent setup for severe weather across Texas. We could be looking at a significant I-20 outbreak. More on that though because this is a very classic storm system coming in that almost always trends slower and deeper with each model run. But, it is also wise to caution against putting too much faith in model forecasts until this system gets more into the RAOB network. Definitely bears watching though. Regardless of the details, this is a power house upper level system that will produce widespread, heavy rains across the Lone Star State...something we are in desperate need of.

Regarding my coverage of the big Wheeler County wildfire last Saturday, my video ran at the top of KVII's newscast Saturday night and has run a couple of times since then. The news director seems like a pleasant, no-bullshit guy to work with. I look forward to some possible future endeavors with them. I've completely given up on the other local stations. I'm pretty worn out from the typical media attitudes and business practices which are a sour combination of incompetence and unabashed dishonesty. No wonder I don't ever trust what I hear or read from the media. :-)

I had an inquiry from a national media network regarding the use of my fire video. I was charging a reasonable fee for a 7 or 10 day license agreement. However, the person I tried to work with claimed to have never heard of such a thing. ROFL! Instead, this person expected me (after I kept grilling them about the licensing details) to agree to a perpetual rights agreement which basically gives them unrestricted usage of my video...forever...AND to distribute to affiliates. Ummm.....yeah....right. I then wanted a much higher fee for such an agreement, but they refused. They wanted the video NOW and to review and sign THEIR licensing agreement the next day.

Yeah, there was an opportunity there on my part to play dirty and take advantage of this, but I'm not going to stoop to their level....and never will. In the end, the deal was never worked out. I'm certainly not crying over it. No wonder I'm not overly enthused in trying to provide national networks breaking news video. The effort in trying to do so and being insulted, negotiating/haggling over license agreements, and then the real work of trying to get paid within 6 months after many many hours on the phone and multiple invoices....why in the world would I want to go through all of that crap for a few c-notes which only puts a dent in my expenses? Thankfully, I have a great full time job and paid quite well so I don't have to. I do feel considerable sympathy for some of my comrades though who run a business that depends on media sales to the big guys. My hat is off to those that can pull it off.

However, on a positive note, I did get an inquiry from the Texas Forest Service to use some of my photos to provide information and heighten general awareness in their public relations efforts. The TFS has done an outstanding job over the past few years in helping small, underfunded fire departments in many rural areas acquire training and critical equipment. Now, anytime a wildfire breaks out across the Panhandle or elsewhere, it is immediately assaulted by an armada of firefighting crews with more equipment like 18-wheeler tankers, more modern trucks and even graders and bulldozers from TFS. It has also better facilitated with federal resources to coordinate air assets such as helicoptors and tankers.

So, I was more than happy to donate a couple of my photos to TFS. For future fires, I'll be working with the TFS crews in the field to better document these events a little more up-close and personal for their use. I'm looking forward to that opportunity!!!

But, I'm not likely to quit my day job though. :-) I am really fitting in quite comfortably and enjoying it. It's the first time that a bunch of red flags haven't shot up within the first two weeks of working at a place. I'm really hoping that things continue to work out so I can truly settle down out here. I am so deeply grateful to have had things work out like they have. In fact, I spent some time today driving around the town of Panhandle, eyeing it as a potential for calling home. It's a pretty nice small town and "fit"me like a good pair of old jeans. I discovered that there are good internet options there and even a new grocery store (not a little mini-mart). It's got everything I could ever want or need regarding the basics. There is considerable new development with some nice homes very recently built. I found a couple of great rental opportunities too which I will pursue with more vigor this summer. I'm really excited about it. :-)

That's all I've got this round. I'll try and update later for the weekend potential. See ya'll!


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