Saturday, February 07, 2009

Sunday Flop

This evening's model runs have pretty much put a nail in the coffin for Sunday's potential chase. I'm not too surprised given that it is early February. As such, there will be very meager instability and then only in a small "sliver" along the pacific front/dryline. With strong shear and near-zero instability, any updrafts will be sheared apart. Now with the 00Z runs, the trend of a slightly slower and abit stronger upper system puts the best dynamics aloft coming in at 00Z into New Mexico and the Panhandles and West Texas well after dark. With such strong low level convergence however, a weak squall line is about all I see with this system. Wind is the only threat I foresee.

Ahead of the squall line, strong dynamics with elevated instability and good mid level moisture and marginal low level moisture, a few thunderstorms embedded in a large area of moderate to heavy rain should be the primary mode....starting sometime around early afternoon Sunday. The NAM is indicating a pretty decent 700mb wave ejecting out earlier, so don't be surprised to see an early morning shot of convection before the main dynamics arrive later.

The good news in all of this is the healthy, widespread rainfall amounts expected. Model forecasts indicate 0.5 inches over a large area with isolated spots of an inch. This will be the first serious rains in well over three...going on four months. We are in a serious drought and very critical fire danger, so this will be a big boost in alleviating those problems. Even better news is a series of storm systems following this one for the next 10 days as I've been talking about in the past few blog posts. A nice upper level pattern change will become established. More precip is on the way! Wednesday morning might be a healthy little snow event around these parts followed by another shot Friday/Saturday. Stay tuned for that.

So, I'm expecting to stay inside and watch the radar on Sunday. :-) I am soooo thankful to at least have some weather to watch around these parts. At least it's been quite warm the past few days....nearly cracking 80F today.

On the personal front, I had a good interview today here in Amarillo. I was very pleased with how it went and am excited about the opportunity after I learned more details. It will allow me to expand in a couple of areas that I've always been interested in regarding high level security protocols with web services as well as getting back into an Oracle environment. The work I would be doing is VERY interesting, challenging and rewarding as well as highly resistent to the economic crisis we are in. There is alot of work to be done there and I'm eagerly looking forward to getting started...provided I am presented an offer. Nothing is final until you get that precious offer letter. :-)

If I do, I feel that I can finally settle down and grow some roots. With the tempting incentives in the pending "stimulus" bill for buying a new house, it would be foolish to let such an opportunity slip away. I need something to offset the loss of selling my previous house. But first things first...I have to get an offer. LOL!! If by some reason I don't, then I will have exhausted all options to stay here and be foreced to move back to DFW. Ugh.

Oh, for anybody wondering, I will not be attending the convention next weekend. Money and time aren't available to do so.

Stay tuned....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to hear the interview went well. Hopefully you won't have to wait long for that offer.

Can't wait for the RAIN to start. Maybe it will suprise us and we'll get 2 inches or more!!

Sat Feb 07, 01:32:00 AM CST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm still going to head out. I'm just craving for the chance to see rain again. I know I could wait until it gets here, but I need to test my equipment out anyway. I think I'll be heading to the SW panhandle. Maybe I'll get a surprise!!!

Sun Feb 08, 02:01:00 AM CST  

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