Sunday, December 14, 2008

Photojournalism Assignment

In the good news department, I will be doing my first freelance photo assignment today for the Amarillo Globe-News. I will be heading up to Dalhart to shoot photos for a story concerning the unveiling of a house makeover for a family there as a result of the efforts from a local church. I am striving to do well enough so that I can work towards receiving more frequent assignments. This would be a big boost in allowing me to stay on in Amarillo doing something I love to do! :-)

It's going to be pretty darned cold up there as the arctic front is ahead of schedule and oozing down 287 towards Amarillo as I speak. You can even see this on the infrared satellite images this morning quite clearly! Based on current surface obs and expected cold air advection, I will probably experience temps falling below 20F and strong north winds.

So, I've got my arctic gear all packed and ready to go. This will definitely be a true test of my mettle in being an outdoor photographer. LOL!! If I don't show back up in Amarillo tonight, somebody please send out dogsled teams and look for a human popsicle around Dalhart. I'd appreciate it. ;-)

With this opportunity opening up along with a couple of other new leads I'm working diligently on, I'm at least gaining some level of hope that things may work out for me in remaining permanently entrenched in Amarillo. The next 4 weeks is the critical timeframe to make it happen one way or the other. Stay tuned!


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