Monday, December 15, 2008

News Story Link & Arctic Smackdown

My photo assignement yesterday for the newspaper was indeed a worthwhile venture. This was a front page story in Monday's Amarillo Globe-News. The full online story with my pics can be found at:

It was a very heartwarming experience for me personally. For a small community such as Dalhart, their heart is the size of Big D. Seeing the effort and committment pouring forth to help the Bosells and their family in such grand fashion was awe inspiring to say the least. In this day and age of vast corruption, greed, selfishness, and hatred, this event cast a brilliant light in dark times.

One of the things the story didn't include was the fact they were previously in a house with 6 adopted children with under 1200 square feet of living space and only one bathroom with no shower. It was a very old house and in deteriorating condition. Through all of that, they continued to be very positive and loving parents to children who previously had no home. I heard this from numerous people I spoke with at the event. This was also evident at the huge turnout for the unveiling ceremony where I estimated at least 100 people showed up.

As their new 2500 sq ft house was unveiled when the large tour bus drove away, the emotional reaction was quite moving. After seeing the pictures of their previous house and this new one along with the generous furnishings inside, the enormity of the effort by the community of Dalhart was quite incredible. Not only that, but their old mortgage was paid off with bills and insurance paid for the next few years.

So, thanks to the Bosells and the community of Dalhart for allowing me to be a part of it and document it with my camera. I will be donating my 120 or so pics to them so that they may cherish this day for many years to come.

Back here in the arctic freezebox, I believe our low temp this morning was 9F and we have struggled to reach 15F with periodic bouts of light snow. Denver set an all time record for the date with -19F. Somebody said global warming? ROFL!! This is pretty brutally cold for even January standards. Looking ahead, it appears that our recovery will be slow and brief before another arctic chunk rolls through here over the weekend.

While there are no apparent upper air systems to really crank up the snowfall, weak ripples in the upper level airflow will trigger bouts of light precip for the next week. There is some concern for freezing drizzle overnight as winds swing to a more easterly component creating an upslope regime along with some warm air advection later atop the shallow arctic airmass. How heavy it will get remains to be seen, but it could certainly put a glaze of ice on the roadways creating a skating rink across the area. I shall remain safely confined to my warm apartment for this event. :-)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very cool you got that assignment Steve.

Just remember what you wrote and remember, aside from the weather, the way people are out here on the plains is another big reason why you got away from the big city.

Mon Dec 15, 04:17:00 PM CST  
Blogger Dann Cianca said...

Congrats on getting your photos published, SMTX.

Mon Dec 15, 05:28:00 PM CST  
Blogger Steve Miller said...

Cool, they didn't put a (TX) beside your name. I can take credit for your photos now! Sweet!
Okay, just kidding.

So do you have a picture of the outside of the completed home? I want to see what they spent $175,000 to build that will still fit behind a bus!

Tue Dec 16, 12:02:00 AM CST  
Blogger Shane Adams said...

Steve, I'm glad to hear you got the photo assingment gig and a few other opps that are still keeping your hopes and dreams of staying in AMA a reality. I know all about struggling and trying to have the life you want for the dreams you chase, and I've been pullin' for you. I think the news story in Dalhart is a great start to what coukd help keep you in the panhandle. Best of luck my friend!!!

Sun Dec 21, 02:14:00 PM CST  

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