Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Brrrrrrrr!!!!!! & SDS Genetic?

Winter has finally arrived in the Texas Panhandle. After highs around 70 on Monday, temperatures hovered in the mid and upper 20's all day Tuesday with snow and winds up to 40mph. Yikes! Then skies cleared out and we bottomed out in the lower to mid teens this morning. That should kill off the remaining bugs and force the plants into hibernation.

We should moderate this week and eventually see at least 60's for highs by Saturday before the next big changes start to affect us on Sunday. At that time, another strong arctic airmass will ooze into West Texas as a very large upper low carves out a place of residence in the SW parts of the country. This will create a classic overunning effect as the winds aloft will be SW. At the same time, moisture will increase at all levels..especially as winds become E and SE in the panhandle which is a classic upslope regime. This is a formula for at least light precipitation which with temperatures remaining near and below freezing for a few days, could spell some trouble for my neck of the woods.

So, stay tuned as the winter season is finally cranking up.

Now, onto the question of whether or not SDS (Supercell Deprivation Syndrome) is genetically inherited. It is something that we here at the SDS Treatement and Research facility have been pondering. Today, we discover that one of our patients' daughter had a very vivid tornado dream. Read about it on Dewdrop's (Jenn Bilak) blog. Awesome!!


Blogger Laura Duchesne said...

Hah! No kiddin! It's cold and clear here right now and feels bitter outside.

Multiple tornado dreams are wicked! I once dreamed of chasing a storm that produced about 10 tornadoes one right after the other. It was incredibly vivid... another dream was so vivid that when I woke up, I was disappointed it was a dream. I thought it was real that's how vivid it was! And then a chase nightmare, seeing a beautiful white tube and the camcorder would not work. I can still picture them as if I just had them.

Fri Dec 12, 09:11:00 PM CST  
Blogger Dewdrop said...

lol, thanks for sharing the story (and the link), Steve! Too funny! I think that she is just absorbing my SDS. It's coming in hard. You should see me analyzing every cloud in my fair weather cu sky. sigh...

Oh, and a HUGE congrats on the freelance gig! WAY TO GO! You'll have to offer me some email tips on how to break in. My newspaper wasn't impressed with my mammatus.

Mon Dec 15, 02:22:00 PM CST  

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