Thursday, December 04, 2008

Turbulent Times Require Drastic Actions

Well, I am certainly feeling the effects from the economic collapse. I have exhausted every opportunity to try and stay here in Amarillo. But, with no source of income and my bank account dwindling, I have no other option but to seek employment outside of this area. This of course would require a move...something I really hate to do.

I am looking for a job back around DFW again or even the Austin area. There just isn't a market for java developers in Amarillo or Lubbock. Most everything is Microsoft .Net based which I would love to learn, but haven
t had the opportunity to do so. As far as finding other employment outside of IT, it is either minimum wage or I'm told that I'm over-qualified and non-qualified. That sucks because I was hoping to find part-tme work to support my efforts to go back to school and pay the bills. While that is still a very remote possibility, I can't count on that happening. Perhaps down the road.....

This is a very hard decision for me to make. I had always dreamed and desired to live in West Texas. So for me, another dream that came true ends up being temporary as life always seems ready to throw a 100mph fastball square into my face. But hey, other people have more serious problems than I have, so why am I whining? This life-changing event might lead to some better things down the road, who knows?

Okay, back to job hunting and getting the apartment packed and ready to move. I have a TON of things to do, so it may be quite awhile before I blog again. The stormchasing and photography efforts are certainly going to be put on hold for awhile. In fact, you might not hear much from me in 2009 at all. We shall see.

Talk to ya'll later down the road sometime.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hate so see you leave the caprock Steve, but I know you have to do what you feel comfortable with.

Our little Panhandle chaser parties won't be the same without ya!

Thu Dec 04, 03:59:00 PM CST  
Blogger Steve Miller said...

Geez, man. I'm so sorry to hear the news. This economy is affecting everyone in so many different ways.
I'll venture to guess this move was, and will be, the means to a better opportunity all the way around. Chin up!

Keep OKC in mind during your job search. We are proving to be bulletproof over here economically and happen to be within 3 hours of almost any target in the southern plains! Plus two Steve Miller storm chasers in the same town would make things interesting.

Thu Dec 04, 06:28:00 PM CST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am really sad to hear this news. I have enjoyed your company here in Amarillo more than you could ever know. Will be like losing my best friend. We have had some great times away from the chasing scene (camping, concerts, etc) but the chasing partnership was great. Hopefully you wont be too far away and we can still hook up for some chasing and poker action. Ofcourse I may catch more now that the "Stevoid" storm killing enterprises moves to another The SDS parties wont be near the same without ya. I am going to have a blue christmas :(

Thu Dec 04, 09:01:00 PM CST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am sorry to hear about your strife, Steve. I have had to eat humble pie, lately, as well. I am working in an industry I loathe (PC Tech at Lockheed Martin), living with my wife and daughter with my parents-in-law in their house, and working on a photojournalism degree all at once. I am sure you will land on your feet in a better place all around. Who knows? Sometimes change is just what we need!

Thu Dec 04, 09:15:00 PM CST  
Blogger Bob Hall said...

One of my biggest peeves is the half-life of a programming environment and language in the IT business. We probably have about 1 million lines of java code that we can only perform subsistence maintenance on. The new standard is C# .NET. This library is essentially being rewritten because someone decided that java was passé.

I keep thinking there has to be an uptick in the IT field one of these days. Everyone spent like drunken sailors prior to Y2K. A lot of these systems and applications I see are nearing or past end of life. With all the bailout talk I’ve heard no one suggest the two things that would pull us out the fastest. 1) Accelerate depreciation for new systems and infrastructure and 2) Tax credits for job creation that employs a US citizen.

Sorry about having to go back to DFW. At least you don’t have to sell a house.

Fri Dec 05, 01:08:00 PM CST  
Blogger Wayfarer said...

Sorry to hear this Steve. I am starting back to school fo paramedic after some core classes over the next several months. Even in the health field things are getting tough..Best of luck to you man!

Fri Dec 05, 07:05:00 PM CST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Steve, I sure hate to hear this news. I really enjoy your company while out chasing, and you will be missed by us panhandle guys. I wish you nothing but luck, and I hope everything turns out perfect for you.
Take care my friend!

Sat Dec 06, 02:36:00 AM CST  
Blogger Dewdrop said...

Steve, I'm so sorry that it has come to this for you. I know how excited you were about the new opportunities in Amarillo when you were leaving your previous job. I hate that you are faced with back-pedaling, but you never know what wonderful opportunities lie ahead for you in this life-change... just a new chapter. Best wishes, don't disappear completely, friend... or I'll hunt you down. ;O)

Mon Dec 08, 02:52:00 PM CST  
Blogger Steve Miller TX said...

Wow, thanks everyone for your thoughts and support. :-) I'm still fighting to stay out here. Perhaps after the first of the year, something will pop up for me. December is the worst time to job hunt.

SMOK, I've actually opened up consideration to OKC and KS in addition to DFW. If I end up in OK, we should chase for the same station. That would be a hoot.

Dave/Jay, it sucks having to leave the West Texas Posse. But I'll always be there in spirit. I will definitely miss the flat prairies where the supercells roam.

Ken, man, I wish you all the best in your endeavor as well. That's a tough situation to say the least. I'm certain that down the road, you'll be happier and more content. That' worth the weight of gold in my oopinion.

Bob, I totally agree with your assessment. The IT industry is moving too fast for it's own good. That's why so many shops are totally disfunctional and screwed up. They have too many technologies and flavors of languages floating around. It's becoming increasingly impossible for a person to be well versed in ALL the different languages and platforms to be effective. It's hurting companies big time. With that being said, the industry seems to be leaning away from java technologies which is why I now am wanting to get beefed up on the .Net stuff. C# won't be too bad because it is so similar to java. If I knew that stuff, I could remain working out here in W TX. :-)

Rick, best of luck with the paramedic school. I know the effort and time you've exerted towards that goal. I'm glad to hear you are focusing on that.

Jason, thanks man! It's too bad we couldn't chase more in the future together. I'm sure I'll still make it out here to the dryline every once in awhile and I expect to see that famous yellow truck. Just be careful standing up in the bed, ok? LOL!!

Dew, you are right in that the future could hold some nice surprises. I look at people getting laid off with no opportunity to find a job in their area. They have mortgages and bills to pay. Selling their house could make things worse as values have plummeted. Newer home owners are screwed being upside down in their mortgages. So, I shouldn't whine really. I certainly won't totally disappear and I still look forward to a chase excursion with you and the new hubby next season!

Wed Dec 10, 11:41:00 AM CST  

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