Friday, November 14, 2008

Caprock Photography

I'd like to announce the launch of my new photography site: Caprock Photography. I'll be adding some other photos to it in time, but I've got alot of my better stuff loaded. Some of theones on there I may go back and tackle some of the noisiness in them and do some better cropping. But, it's enough to hopefully showcase my work to prospective clients. :-)

It's hosted by SmugMug which offers alot of power and flexibility yet very affordable. You can even load your videos. Their editing tool pretty much lets you build an entire customized site once you learn some of their proprietary code concerning html and css tag names and structure. Firefox has a GREAT plug-in to help identify, edit and test such code called "Web Developer", oddly enough. :-) I've already seen some examples of nice SmugMug sites and there seems to be some good community support. So, when I have time, I'll be improving the overall look and feel as well as the navigation.

So, back to trying to get an income stream flowing. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't at all stressed out with the current state of the economy and the gloomy forecast. If you or somebody you know could use my services as a photographer, photojournalist, or videographer, please let me know. :-)

On a humorous note, the Veterans Day image below contains the year 2007. Kudos to Jay McCoy for catching that. I certainly missed it. Still, it was a nice image to honor all of the veterans.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I got a kick out of the 2 dogs sitting in the truck. Two possibilities there:

1. They're chase dogs waiting for the cap to break.

2. They're measly little thieves, and they're waiting for their partner in the getaway car!

I like comical photos of animals like that. Good job on the site and good luck with everything.

Sat Nov 15, 01:14:00 AM CST  
Blogger Dewdrop said...

Terrific site, Steve. If I hear of any need, I'll hook ya up! Best wishes!

Perhaps David is interested in someone photographing his collection of interestingly shaped rocks... lol

Sun Nov 16, 06:40:00 AM CST  
Blogger Steve Miller TX said...

Thanks Jason and Dew! I got a kick out of those dogs too. That was at a motel in Trinidad, CO in 2006. The dogs were patiently waiting for their owners inside to get in the truck. They wanted to go stormchasing! :-)

Good one Dew on David's rocks. That might not be appropriate for family viewing though. LOL!!

Thu Nov 20, 03:10:00 PM CST  

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