Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Tanking Ecomony

Today, the DOW dropped below 8000. The more I read, the more I'm dismayed about any major recovery anytime soon. One wonders if and when we will see the worst of it as I still think that lies ahead. I'm pretty dismayed about it with trying to launch a new business. In fact, I have decided to put any aggressive plans on hold indefinitely. It just does not make sense to forge ahead and spend more money when companies everywhere are laying off and cutting back expenditures every way they can to survive.

The biggie is going to be the auto industry. It is starting to look like even the democrats are backing away from an auto industry bail out. This will certainly lead to bankruptcy proceedings and massive layoffs. It will have a huge impact without a doubt. It will take a long time to recover from something that hasn't even happened yet. The unfortunate truth is that the auto industry has this upon large part to inept corporate management...or mismanagement being the more accurate word. The fact of them flying to Washington on private luxury jets to ask for taxpayer handouts for their ineptness is simple, but glaring example of why they should not be running corporations who are teetering on bankruptcy. In fact, it should be criminal.

But, back to my own selfish self-preservation. I am facing some tough decisions in the short term as to what I will do. The prudent thing is to find shelter someplace out of the storm until the worst of it passes. I will soon be competing with millions of people out of a job in a tanking economy. I am considering two courses of action at this of which I will have to take soon.

The first one is going back to IT with a stable company in a growing sector that I believe will offer a good chance of weathering the big storm ahead. I applied earlier this week and actually looking forward to hearing back from them. It sounds like something I might want to pursue as a long-term career option and give up on my business plans for awhile, if not entirely.

The second option is going back to school. I've been working hard on that this week to obtain financial aid so I can go full-time. It makes sense for several reasons. First, I've always wanted to get a full degree. Second, although I won't get rich, I'll at least have some support to ride out the storm....AND, pursuing a degree in something I know I would love. So, when the storm clears, I will be in great position to emerge and blaze a trail. It would help tremendously in my business efforts. What is it you say? Journalism/Mass Communications with some business courses on the side. Yeah, I'm nuts. :-) But soon to be age 44, it's the right time to try and do this. With my previous college credit, a good chunk of the mundane coursework is out of the way.

So, as the world do my careeer ambitions. LOL!! I'm sure Obama will save us least that is what he promised. We can trust him, right? The mainstream media says so. However, putting together a staff that resembles Bill Clinon's third term is disturbing to me. So much for "change", eh? Ok..ok...I'll stop there. I've got more important things to attend to right now.

Ya'll take care.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, we are in a sagging economy alright. I do agree that a business starting up right now will have a hard time. Good thing is, gas in down so people will be able to save a little money.

Hey, if the other gig doesn't work out, you can come work with me at the big house. I guarantee people will never get laid off there. We're short enough as it is.

Thu Nov 20, 03:59:00 AM CST  
Blogger Steve Miller TX said...

Well, today, the markets continue to slide which pretty much puts the exclaimation point on my decision to hold off and that things won't get better anytime soon.

I might have to come join you in the big house! lol! To be honest, I couldn't handle working with the prisoners on a regular basis. You are certainly to be commended for being able to do so...few people are.

Thu Nov 20, 03:06:00 PM CST  

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