Friday, May 16, 2008

New Phone Number & Crystal Ball Madness

For all of my friends and contacts out there, please email me for my new phone number. My email can be found at the upper right or on my home page.

I switched over from the old number which I have had for about 8 years. It was time for me to plant my last "root" out here in West Texas by getting an "806" number. It's the last thing I had to purge to totally disconnect my previous life as a "Dallasite". I got tired of getting suspicious and nasty looks whenever I divulged my "972" number. LOL!!

So, good riddance DFW.

As far as the future of May, it now appears less dismal than my previous post. I'm specifically talking about the moisture NOT getting bulldozed down to Fidel Castro's backdoor. The models are backing off the huge, deep eastern coast trough advertised earlier. So, at least moisture recovery won't take a week or more when the upper air pattern shifts.

Alot of discussion is going on about next week. Even the experts are at odds. Reknowned expert Ed Berry is calling for a potential major outbreak in the plains the middle and latter part of next week. The ECMWF model paints this scenario well and now, finally, the 12z GFS and it's ensembles are becoming a bit less fuzzy. The bottom line is that I now see a consensus starting to emerge as I write this. Chasers should rejoice. I am ecstatic that my gloomy prediction might indeed be totally wrong. May just might have a fighting chance.

So, keep your fingers crossed that starting about Wednesday of next week, we could be looking at a very active period evolving. I certainly hope that at least one of those days is within a sane driving distance of Amarillo. :-)

Stay tuned!!!!!


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