Monday, March 03, 2008

TWC, GW, Blizzard

I read in interesting blurb from the original founder of The Weather Channel, John Coleman. I find it interesting that he agrees with most of us weather enthusiests that the channel has deteriorated to a point that it isn't even a shadow of it's former self. He said it was quite sad, and I really agree with him. However, from what I've read, TWC continues to increase revenue and earnings corresponding with ratings. So, they are doing something right. But I'm puzzled as to why it is up for sale?

Mr. Coleman also presents an idea of suing Al Gore over the global warming scare. I like that idea myself. However, I doubt it would get very far. It would be much better if somebody in the mainstream media actually did some serious investigative reporting with as much fervor as going after Republicans and conservatives.

In any event, I found a website that I really liked! I thought it seemed like something I would do. :-) Enjoy!

I've recently read a few posts out there on some forums where some global warming alarmists, or church members as in the website link above, are questioning those who are questioning the motives of the global warming alarmists. Are you serious? LOL!! I wanted to help get them started on a little reality check. Today's lesson, boys and girls, are "Carbon Credits". Yep, you can actually buy these carbon credits which in turn go towards creating more eco friendly energy projects like solar and wind power technologies. Read all about it HERE....and while you are at it, buy some carbon credits!! You'll get a nifty decal and bumper sticker for your chase vechicle! ROFL!!

I laugh, but corporations are already doing it. It's now the "cool" thing to do. Liberals love hip, trendy stuff like that and are forking over some money to be a part of it. And of course, those handling all of that money and "dissiminating" it as the sales brochure promises are perfectly honest and to be blindly trusted 100%. ;-) I've had shady used car dealers do a better job trying to scam me.

So, there is that first lesson for those that are clueless about who could possibly profit from the global warming scare. For the second lesson, I'll give you a hint to get you started: Al Gore.

Lastly, we had a bonafied blizzard here in the panhandle overnight. Sustained winds 35-45mph with one gust of 69mph recorded at a TV station here in Amarillo along with heavy snows made this warm-blooded Texas native feel like the north pole shifted southward to I-40. We got about 2-3 inches of snow here with drifts to about a foot in places. It was a wet snow too, trees and srubs on the north side of buildings and houses were flocked with several inches of the white stuff. It was pretty cool. 12 hours earlier, it was in the mid 70's and t-shirts and shorts were the clothing choice of the day. I love it here! :-)

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Blogger Steve Miller said...

I have a blog post from a month ago still in the "draft" box because I never finished it - Carbon Credits were the subject.
We have some hippie friends who were married in Fiji (drove their SUV to the airport and flew no fewer than three large passenger jets to reach their hitchin') and their registry consisted of different levels of Carbon Credits.
F-that. I considered sending them a prepaid fuel card or a case of standard light bulbs but instead determined that sending nothing at all would be better than throwing my money at a wannabe 501(c)3 non-profit so their staff can afford to fill up their SUV's too.
I read that Carbon Credits are not a tax deduction. That says a lot.

I exhaled at least 35 times while writing this. I owe someone $1.41.

Tue Mar 04, 11:36:00 AM CST  
Blogger Steve Miller TX said...

Nicely done! :-)

This whole 21st century "hippie movement" reminds me of one of my favorite South Park episode where Cartman takes on and defeats the hippies that invaded South Park.

They also had some hilarious episodes centered around the global warming hype and the "Smug Storm". Those are some "must-see" episodes as well. This all in honor of South Park's new season to start next Wednesday. :-)

Sat Mar 08, 12:06:00 AM CST  
Blogger Steve Miller TX said...

You know, I wonder how many carbon credits I owe for my lifetime of farts? It's gotta be a 6 digit figure. ;-)

Sat Mar 08, 12:09:00 AM CST  

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