Monday, October 08, 2007


How 'bout dem Cowboys?

In one of the most bizarre, ugly and exciting games I've ever seen on Monday Night Football, tonight's ranks right up there at the top. I thought Buffalo had won it right up to the second attempt at the last-second 53 yard field goal. I guess I got accustomed to Cowboy seasons of the past. :-) In fact, shame on Buffalo for losing it. They had an abundance of gifts courtesy of Romo (some not entirely his fault) to make at more than 30 points. I actually thought he was confused on the jersey colors (psssst....we are the guys in white, Tony!). They could have run out the clock with another first down. They could have recovered the onside kick which Dallas recovered and set up the winning FG. There were many reasons that they should have won. In fact, I thought the images in my post below were more appropriate for tonight's game on both sides. ;-)
But, I'm not going to take away Dallas' incredible fighting spirit to duke it out to the last second. To score 25 points after turning it over to your opponent 6 times and taking it away only once is a pretty good accomplishment. To hold your opponent to 17 points after all of those turnovers is an incredible and admirable feat for ANY defense out there (7 points were scored on a kick-off return so that doesn't count). The bottom line is that this team overcame unrealistic odds and in the end won the game. The old Cowboys would have given up somewhere in the third quarter and started packing their bags for the flight home. Nope. They showed the type of character and attitude I haven't seen since the Jimmy Johnson days. I'm happy to once again be excited about a Dallas Cowboys season.
Not to dis the Big Tuna (Parcells) as I think he is a brilliant coach, but I disagreed with alot of the play calling last season as I considered it too conservative and "playing not to lose". Of course, how much interference there was from Jerry Jones is up to speculation, but I suspect there was some. Despite all of that, the team this year seems to be having more fun and showing more confidence. I also love the play calling now and my hats off to former back-up quarterback now the offensive coordinator Jason Garrett. He really is a pretty sharp guy. The offense has ALOT more depth and a gameplan that really keeps the opposing defense more on their heels....keeping in mind that this is their first full season all together. They continue to get stronger with each game. They "play to win".
This game ended in perfect fashion to sum up all four quarters. While number 9 was giving the game away, the inverse of his jersey number, number 6 Nick Folk, won the game. Not only did he punch it through once, but twice after the Bills pulled a fast one and called time out a nanosecond before the first attempt. To split the uprights twice in a row at 53 yards under THAT kind of pressure is amazing to me. He's a BIG hero in Big D tonight. Romo should put Folk at the top of his Christmas list this year. Still though, the one thing I admired about Romo tonight was as bad as he performed, he didn't give up either. That 2-point conversion attempt at the end was close to making up for some of his errors had Owens came down with it. He did a good job in the last remaining seconds to get the ball into FG range.
Although I think this was a major test they passed, the big one will be next weekend against New England. I'm sure the Pats, without the help of secret surveillance video tapes, will be carefully analyzing the Buffalo defensive strategy which I thought was brilliant on all fronts for most of the game. It seemed like they always had an extra guy or two on the field. They finally developed a formula to frazzle the Dallas offense. Of course, I think the 12th man factor had alot to do with it too. The Buffalo fans were bizerk and very loud. That had to help rattle a young Romo. But, at least he can chalk this one up to experience and I hope he learns from it. I'm just glad he wasn't on my fantasy team this week. LOL!!
I just found out that tonight is the first time in 7 years that a team with a -5 turnover deficit ended up winning the game. Wow.
Oh....and how 'bout them Yankees? ROFL!!
Ok, back to the boring, tranquil weather. It was beautiful today with highs in the lower 70's and crystal clear blue skies. Time to think of some camping trips again. I gotta get over a bad cold right now though. The NyQuil is kicking in.......night all.....zzzzzzzzz.


Blogger Charles said...

That game was awesome! Ranks up there with UCS/Texas and OU/Boise. After Romo's 5th pick I about turned it off to go to bed but finished watching anyways. Glad I did!

Tue Oct 09, 03:08:00 PM CDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was an amazing game. I love games that end like that no matter who is playing. Much better than a 30 point blowout.

As for the wx. Steve you are NOT allowed to even browse the models this week. We actually have a shot at some action this weekend and I dont want the Stevoid to get cranked up and nuke the system coming If anything actually pans out I or David will inform you.. please back away from the PC at this time and watch a movie or read a book:)

Tue Oct 09, 10:54:00 PM CDT  
Blogger David Drummond said...

Yeah the models seem to be in agreement for this weekend, and consistent at that. Not only that, as much as I hate long range models...looks like we are going to have several shots at some fun coming up.

Wed Oct 10, 04:14:00 AM CDT  
Blogger Steve Miller said...

I'll be out of town on vacation for a few days - this weekend included. there is little doubt in my mind that Sunday will be the biggest outbreak in US history.

Lets find a good camping spot between AMA and OKC in the near future. Name the place and weekend and I'll be there.

Wed Oct 10, 03:50:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Wayfarer said...

How come you guys get all the fun? Just not fair....Have fun, stay safe and send the leftovers to us! ;-)

Thu Oct 11, 10:17:00 AM CDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I broke down and went ahead and did a forecast on my blog since all of the models have been relatively consistent on this event.

Thu Oct 11, 06:26:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Wayfarer said...

Uh Steve..You can take the star down now.....

Sun Oct 14, 10:59:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Wayfarer said...

Let go was great while it lasted....they will meet again. trust me.

Tue Oct 16, 06:52:00 PM CDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Update your blog or the "family" will have to pay you a visit see. Break your legs see. ya ya

Tue Oct 16, 07:40:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Wayfarer said...

Gonna maka an offer yous cant refuse...probably not understand too, but that beside the point.

Wed Oct 17, 02:36:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Steve Miller TX said...

Dang, ya'll made me an offer I couldn't refuse. ;-)

Fri Oct 19, 11:26:00 PM CDT  

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