Friday, October 19, 2007

Back From The Beyond

Man, talk about a blogging hiatus, eh? A combination of work, a terrible cold followed up with a sinus infection, a weekend full of chasing, and my new toy completely eroded my freetime to do any proper blogging. And yes, I did see the Patriots whip the 'Boys. However, to those out there needling me about leaving that last blog entry up for so long, they did play the Pats pretty darned good for 2.5 quarters and beter than any other team that has faced the New England steamroller. :-)

I've got a few pics to post. This is a nice LP that formed out around Hereford awhile back. As you can see here, the Stevoid is taking effect and killing the storm. It would soon die after this pic.

Last Saturday, Jay McCoy and I were heading up towards the Oklahoma Panhandle in a futile attempt to catch an isolated supercell when we encountered this. As we drove by, Jay stated that he thought he saw smoke from the back of the truck. No sooner did we turn around that flames were erupting from the bed of the truck. When we pulled up, the entire contents including a mattress was on fire. Despite our best attempts along with a couple of other bystanders to knock it down with an extinguisher and drag the mattress out of the truck, we just weren't able to save the guy's truck. The heat was too intense to get close enough to do so and some aerosol cans were popping/exploding.

All we could do is keep the elderly gentleman from returning to his truck trying to save it and put the fire out. He was in a state of shock to say the least. At one point, I had to gently but firmly restrain him from going back. The Fire Department quickly showed up and doused the fire, but the truck was a total loss. He did have insurance, fortunately, but the sad part is that all of the contents in the back were his grand daughter's who was moving from New Mexico. It was pretty much everything she owned.

All of this from a tossed cigarette according to the driver. Fortunately, despite a minor burn to his right hand which Jay treated, everybody was ok. Scary stuff...especially in how rapidly it erupted with the stout 20-30mph winds.

The next day, this past Sunday, we chased the "storms" in SW OK. It wasn't a bad chase and it was fun running co-pilot with Jay. And, Kanani, I took good care of that seat and didn't change a thing. It's all still in place there for ya. However, you might find a french fry or two somewhere :-)

Here is Jay pondering the storm along with his infamous blue and red lights that, as I understand it, have some chasers' panties twisted up in a wad. Jay is part of the Amarillo Emergency Services as one of their trained and certified volunteers. He donates alot of his freetime in assisting the city in many different ways. It is 100% legal to have those lights mounted on there as part of his duties and to use them as authorized in the state as well as some surrounding states under mutual aid agreements. Get over it. I'm sure Jay will expand on my comments.

Here is the "tornado". In my opinion, the best I can classify this spinup was a "hybrid". It started out as what appeared to be RFD and then as it moved under the updraft, got stretched and rotated pretty darned good with rotation noted in the cloud base above it. This is about as exciting as it got.

A couple of parting shots as the storms become severely outflow dominated.

And, here is my new toy which has preoccupied alot of my time. I was going to get the Roland V-Drum TD-12 kit. But, with a killer rebate this month and finding a great price on them, I was able to get the elite TD-20 kit. I got an extra CY-15 cymbal and with the rebate, another PD-105 (tom) and PD8 (trigger pad...need more cowbell! Ha!) are on the way. This kit is entirely electronic and very quiet....perfect for an apartment. With my Beyerdynamic DT 770 headphones, this kit sounds absolutely incredible and realistic. You program any part of the kit with one of thousands of different sounds. You can even make your own sounds on your computer and import it. It's almost unlimited what you can do with it. I'll have alot of fun this winter mastering all of the nuances of it. As you can see, the apartment is getting pretty cramped. I think a move is my near future.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice shot of what I am calling a landspout. In the pic you can actually see the tube funnel coming down at an angle into the middle of the dust whirl. good enough for me.

As for the lightbar thing..good freakin grief. Its not the 1st time somebody has had issue with them. This time from some kid who thinks hes a cop yet doesnt even know the I know what the law is. I am authorized in Texas and all surrounding states due to a 2002 mutual aid agreement with them all. Not to mention the fact that I also fall under federal law under Homeland security so I am actually good to go in all 50.. No horries here. I have been chasing as long as he has been alive.. I could really care less about what a "barney" thinks.

And Kanani. Steve did a great job navigating and working radar but it isnt the same without my partner. Hell he didnt even sing "Oklahoma" as we entered the state as is tradition among us. Hopefully by the 08 season you will be ready to slide back into the seat.

And I can vouche.. The drum set is wicked.. I want!!!!!! add 1 or 2 more toms and another floor base and I would be happy as a kitten in a milk factory.

Sat Oct 20, 12:55:00 AM CDT  
Blogger Wayfarer said...

Awesome pics Steve! As for the toys....? One lightning strike while playing and "They said he went out smokin" LOL!!

Sat Oct 20, 10:26:00 AM CDT  
Blogger Dewdrop said...

Oh, you are alive... so glad. Great shots from your chase. At least you went... I was hearing things about you and your drums... thinking we were going to have to break out the 2X4's. Looks like an adventure.

Mon Oct 22, 01:03:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Bob Hall said...

I’m calling BS here. If you are crossing state lines certain rituals must be observed. As Steve Miller (OK) and I enter Kansas, the refrain “Every thing is up to date in Kansas City; they’ve gone about as far as they can go… etc is always belted out in the worst karaoke voices we have.

Think of the children , if these traditions are lost what future do our youth have.

Wed Oct 24, 09:34:00 PM CDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LMAO guys, as you can tell I am definately out of the loop. :o)
Of course no one can match my navigating skills but I am glad that Jay has made a new friend. HA HA! When are we going to have our SDS session? I gotta get a babysitter!

Fri Oct 26, 03:41:00 AM CDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I cross in to Oklahoma, I just wonder outloud "What is that smell?"

Fri Oct 26, 08:47:00 PM CDT  

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