Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Recent Pics, Chase Ahoy!, Drums!

Here are a few pics I shot last week. The first set is the Cadillac Ranch on the western outskirts of Amarillo on I-40. The guy who did this, Stanley Marsh III, is quite a well known eccentric around Amarillo who also happens to be a millionaire by making helium. He also erects quite a few whimsical "artsy" diamond-shaped signs around town with quite an ecclectic variety of musings, quotes, whimsy, etc. He and/or his "support staff" also drive odd vehicles around town. One is a Suburban plastered with American Flag decals and loudspeakers on top. Another one that I saw in front of the building where I work had a stuffed chicken with a stuffed fox posed to attack it. I personally like that one best...in part because the chicken's feet were wired to the luggage rack. He certainly keeps Amarillo a pretty interesting place to live. :-)

More info on Cadillac Ranch:



Some pics:

I made my mark at the Cadillac Ranch. Yes, everybody spray paints the cars and there are cans of it all over the place at the ready. Think about it....it keeps them from rusting. :-) And of course, it's "art".

Here are the remnants of the severe storm that prompted a tornado warning near Cotton Center because of a landspout tornado. I missed that, but was treated to a fantastic Texas Panhandle sunset!

The fall weather pattern continues it's abnormal wave pattern with large persitant troughiness out west and a stubborn blocking ridge entrenched in the eastern states. It's an unusual pattern for October to be certain. It looks more like early summer. As a result, abnormally warm temperatures are baking west Texas with highs tomorrow perhaps in the low 90's.

The models are coming into good agreement concerning a stout shortwave to crash into the plains this weekend. Right now, it looks like Saturday will be the big day for these parts. I like the TX PH being on the southern fringe of the strong upper air dynamics and related linear forcing. With a dryline in place and modest instability along with a roaring LLJ, it certainly appears that some serious chasing is in the cards. However, as usual for this time of year, the mid levels are warmer than what we see in the spring, so steep mid level lapse rates, lifted indices and CAPE struggle. More in this event as it approaches.

On the vehicle front, I'm putting that off for a little while. Instead, I've rewarded myself for enduring 2007 by purchasing an electronic drum kit. It's the Roland TD-12S with an extra ride cymbal. I'll add another "tom" in the near future. It should be here by Friday. I've wanted one of these for quite a long time. I can now play in the apartment and nobody will know. Plus, with all of the incredible features and sounds the module offers, it opens up an entire world of possibilities for recording projects I've had on the back burner for a couple of years. I finally have enough freetime to pursue this now. :-)

Plus, it's not near the pain-in-the-ass to mic and balance like an acoustic kit...no more constant tuning of both drum heads...no more worrying about unwanted sound bouncing back into the mics....no more excruciating effects and mixing of the drums after you record with EQ, reverb, etc. Now, I just jump on the kit, play and I'm pretty much done except for final mix on the volume/compression. This will save untold hours now so that I can focus on other musical parts and composition/mixing.

I also have hundreds of thousands of different sounds to choose from as well as customizing my own!!! The possibilities are endless. It's a great way to endure the long winter that lies ahead as well as good overall FUN excercise. It beats a treadmill anyday. ;-) I can play for hours...although I'll have to build up to that endurance level again...along with the pain of buidling up those callouses. I can't wait to get my groove on! :-) Who knows? Maybe I can pick up a couple of local recording side gigs next year when I shake the 2-year rust off. We'll see.


Blogger Dewdrop said...


Wed Oct 03, 10:18:00 AM CDT  
Blogger Wayfarer said...

Live! From the DFW Civic Center! Its the "Lord of the Chase" "Percussion Concussion"!Tickets availabale at all 7/11 or at the backdoor at Steve house! ;=D

Wed Oct 03, 11:11:00 AM CDT  
Blogger Steve Miller TX said...

ROFL!! Nice one, Rick!!

Wed Oct 03, 01:04:00 PM CDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Too bad your not a hockey fan Steve. or are you?? YOU will at least have to go with me 1 time to watch the gorillas play. funnest thing to do in amarillo in the cold months.

Nice drum set. I will admit though I have always prefered acoustic but can understand wanting to have something you can play at the apartment. What no double floor toms?? lol

Oh by the way folks he forgot to mention that I was nowcasting for him last week when he went after that tornadic storm near Cotton Center. It had a great hook on it and was really impressive on radar until he got within about 30 miles of it. Then the "stevoid" kicked into overdrive. I dont think I have ever seen a supercell go from 60dbz to a clear radar in 30 minutes!!!! I am now a true believer in his storm killing superpowers!!!! lmao

Wed Oct 03, 08:51:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Steve Miller TX said...

Hey, I'm not a hockey fan, but I think it would be fun to go check it out. I've seen the Stars twice back in Dalas and had a great time. I think hockey in person is MUCH better. In fact, when they won the cup a while back, they had the parade right on fron of the building where I worked.

As for the drums, I still have my acoustic kit packed in the closet:

I figure if I do live gigs or eventually get a house, it will get used again. It's a great sounding kit when the heads are tuned correctly (which is a pain in the butt!). I carefully selected all of the cymbals to get the right mix of pitches and tones. I of course want more! :-)

Yeah, Jay, you certainly did sucker me down there to that storm. LOL!! The Stevoid was carefully and scientifically documented now. Everybody wil be watching me from now on on Spotter Network and stay as far away from me as possible. Heck, the SPC might even start mentioning my position in future MCDs! LOL!!

MAn, if Dewdrop comes into proximity of my position, the earth's axis might even tilt. ;-)

Wed Oct 03, 10:19:00 PM CDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well NOW I know why it died just before we got to it. HMMMMMMMMMMMMMM

Thu Oct 04, 04:20:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Dewdrop said...

Let's get together, Steve, and change the way the world turns... lol

Fri Oct 05, 11:06:00 AM CDT  

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