Thursday, October 04, 2007


The model runs in the past two days have been amusing to watch. As is typical with vigorous storm systems approaching the left coast, they almost always end up being slower and deeper as they reach the Rockies than the early advertisements. The GFS jumped on this first defying it's peer pressure. It's such a wild and crazy model. ;-) The rest of the gang is catching on to the GFS idea. All of them continue to slow and dig this upper system (I dig it too...ha!) with each consecutive run.

Based on this evening's model consensus, Sunday is looking like a pretty significant severe weather episode for the plains. The most impressive feature is the forecast 500mb profile. As Sunday presses on into the late afternoon, the compact upper trough begins to crank up and lift out taking on a slight negative tilt. The diffluence out over the panhandles into SW Kansas is quite impressive and pretty powerful. The resultant surface reaction is to bomb a surface low somewhere around the W/SW KS area. A stout dryline will sharpen and punch across the area of mid level difflence. Moisture and instability will not be a problem and will be pretty good for October.

This is a classic signature for some pretty vicious storms. With that much energy and linear forcing, we would see a rapid evolution into a very nasty squall line. The southern fringe of everything down into the TX PH into W OK would be best for a tail-end charlie setup and something remaining more discreet for a longer period of time.

But, it's too early to start plotting a target area and dreams of tornadoes on the caprock. :-) As is usual, the models are certain to change. Will the upper system slow even further? Speed up? Deeper? Head to Mexico and dissipate in fear of the Stevoid®? ;-)

Stay tuned!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know, I was doing really good ignoring this because I had a lot of work to do, then you had to go and post all the pretty colored pictures, now I am rooting around looking at models.

Thu Oct 04, 11:29:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Dewdrop said...

Don't worry David, if Steve is on it, you should be able to get your work done... The Stevoid® is very strong. I understand how it all works.

Fri Oct 05, 11:08:00 AM CDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hopefully I can kill the Stevoid. Since he has unloaded his vehicle in preps fopr selling it he will have to ride with me (i stay loaded year round). Sunday looks to be a ton of fun which figures becuase I am in charge of a motorcycle parade until about 2:30. Hopefully we can still make it north enough to catch the big stuff. I am looking at the north panhandle into the Oklahoma panhandle for the best shear vs stronger cap (isolated). Can make that by 4pm easy. Steve I suggest we load up early and you attend the ride with me so we can haul butt soon as its over. David. Come on up!! This may be the show for our second season. Last year we only had 1 system to pay with.

Fri Oct 05, 02:26:00 PM CDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jay, if I see you Sunday, remind me to give you back your 2 meter. I got my dual bander installed this evening.

Fri Oct 05, 10:30:00 PM CDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think we need to see what kind of luck a new chaser can bring!!! LMAO. Good luck you guys, bring me back some good pictures! I'll be at home with Bryce filming the storm from my backyard. :o)

Sat Oct 06, 12:45:00 PM CDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I am out. Steve killed this one before it even got started.

Sat Oct 06, 04:00:00 PM CDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The "Stevoid" not only deflects or kills supercells but now has grown to such immense power that it can kill entire upper level systems!!!! Soon Homeland Security is going to discover his abilities and take him into protective custody so he can not become omnipotent and control global climate!

We may still get a squall line of some sort mut lapse rates and instability just arent that impressive.

Sat Oct 06, 06:56:00 PM CDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry guys, my fault for showing interest!!! Everytime I think about weather it falls apart. :o)

Sat Oct 06, 09:52:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Steve Miller TX said...

Fear my superpowers, mortals!!! Bwahahaha!

Sun Oct 07, 10:21:00 AM CDT  

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