Tuesday, June 05, 2007

June Outbreak!!!!!

Definitely a big week's worth of chasing ahead of us!! A special shout out to Dewdrop and her husband as they make their Tornado Alley debut with the Twister Sisters. She must be in good graces with the storm gods (no....not the high priests of stormchasing...lol!) as Wednesday has all of the makings for a significant outbreak of tornadic supercells all across parts of South Dakota into northern Kansas and perhaps even into the big stormvoid of Oklahoma herein known as the Oklavoid®! ;-)

Some possibility exists for the eastern TX PH too, but anything south of I-70 will be fighting a fierce cap. Regardless, Dewdrop's entourage should be right in the middle of the thick of things tomorrow. I predict that several tornadoes will be had and an extended performance of the Happy Dew Dance into the wee hours of Thursday morning. She might even see more tornadoes in one day than I have all year! :-) Be sure to check out her blog as she chronicles her adventure!

Today appears mediocre for my area, but I'd love to be up in W NE and NE CO today.

Wednesday: Outbreak.

Thursday looks like Oklahoma for sure. If the entire front doesn't instantly line out, I like that play as well. But, that is Oklavoid territory, so we'll see. :-)

Friday, back to the 2007 posterchild state for tornado alley, some very interesting possibilities in SW TX and SE NM. The forecast helicities down there along the front are totally nuts. I see no reason that it won't be a classic setup of upslope with easterly low level winds with westerlies up top. The question mark is how strong the westerlies will be and where the front actually winds up..or lifts north during the afternoon. However, instability and moisture will be abundant along with the aformentioned helicities. I've got a feeling that the front will actually end up a little further north than the 12z NAM forecast. We'll see as the event draws closer.

Saturday, it appears that a significant event may unfold across E CO with the upslope regime and down along the dryline into west Texas. I really love setups with westerlies perpendicular to a dryline. Could very well be some monster tornadic supercells with all of the juice that will be in place.

Sunday, similar setup, but looking like a pretty significant E CO upslope event and for the TX PH.

Monday and beyond....significant severe weather events possible for pretty much all of next week all across tornado alley. It's an incredible and unbelievable upper air pattern establishing itself. The GFS ensembles (NOT the operational runs) have been prediciting it for a couple weeks now along with Ed Berry. It's nice to see it all coming together. I'm gonna be one tired little stormchaser come the end of June.

A monster typhoon is bearing down on the Persian Gulf, so I would not be surprised to see us get gouged even more with prices to exceed $4/gallon soon. I'm going to be totally broke come the end of June. But hey, at least I won't mortgage the house like other addictions lead people to do. ;-) However, if we then get another big hurricane into the GOM, gas will become more expensive than fine wine. We'll start seeing scenes straight out of MadMax with people taking over refineries and turning them into fortresses. Sheesh.

Until then....JUNE ROCKS!! May who? LOL!

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Blogger Steve Miller said...

Pretty amazing week ahead. I think I will renig on the entry at my blog that I just posted which explained that I am writing off the season due to time constraints. Screw that. I'll be out...
Oklavoid.com anybody?

Tue Jun 05, 03:14:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Dewdrop said...

Steve, Thanks for the really awesome shout out! You rock! Hope we make it down your way, but if not, there's always next year! ;-) We can share some mudslides during SDS therapy...

Tue Jun 05, 06:34:00 PM CDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

looks like its time for us to qualify for the pool lane and start sharing rides. June may become a very expensive endevour. Maybe I shold have just stayed home in late May and saved all that $$.

Tue Jun 05, 08:48:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Wayfarer said...

My eyes!!!!! My eyes!!!! Oh...it's just you Steve.... or reasonable copy there of... ;-) Great weather we are having here. The Dewvoid theory is is being proven day after day after day...Just make sure she doesnt trash her hotel room. You know.. the whole "Diva thing"...LOLOL!!!

Tue Jun 05, 09:05:00 PM CDT  

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