Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Another Stevoid Moment

Well, I saw some pretty cool and interesting things going on with the storms today...mostly in Hutchinson County. The roads for the most part...well...there are none. LOL!!
I got really screwed on that today big time as the best part of the storm, which kept rejuvinating in the same place ended up in the perfect spot in NE Hutchinson county furthest away from any road to get near it. I'm beginning to strongly dislike chasing in Hutchinson and Roberts county.

After getting suckered by an outflow dominant storm, we saw the new developing cell in Hutchinson county that developed a pronounced hook early on. I took the longest option south on 70 to Pampa and then WNW to Borger and north through Stinnett. The whole time I am doing this, the radar has me salivating. Of course as I get to it, it peters out and then moves over no-road territory leaving me on the backside.

However, I got to experience alot of wierd things going on. The wind would blast from the west, go to zero, blast from the south, zero, then from the north...and so on. Some of the cloud motions overhead were insanely chaotic. So, at least that was fun to observe.

I stayed with the cells until it got to the point I had to head home. Overall, a pretty frustrating and disappointing day considering how everything appeared that it would unfold. Give me a raging dryline storm, baby. These frontal storms suck. The end.

So, the crystal ball shows another considerable down period for another week at least. There is some pretty optimistic signs that the subtropical jet will finally start nudging northward the first week of June. I want to see abit more consistency, but I'm starting to get a feeling that June is going to be a pretty wild month. We'll see.

Until then, I'll be "out of commission" through the Memorial Day Weekend as I need to take care of alot of personal business.


Blogger Dewdrop said...

I, for one, hope your predictions about June pan out. That first week would be ideal!!!

Thu May 24, 11:30:00 AM CDT  
Blogger Glenn said...

so you sold your house?

Thu May 24, 01:52:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Steve Miller TX said...

Unfortunately, no. But at least there is some increasing activity. I've reduce dthe price and offered a buyers incentive. I need to get rid of the thing.

Thu May 24, 03:40:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Steve Miller said...

Let me list it - Mine sold in 6 days at list price!
Of course I'm sitting here wondering if I priced it too low... Oh well.

I didn't realize you were chasing yesterday or I would have given you a shout. Sounds like we were in the same area (hard not to be...).
Anyway, guess I'll go over to ST now and read all the whining about too many chasers being on the road. I wonder if anyone ever considers the opening up of ST to anyone due to a mass exodus of veteran posters to be a probable cause of the issues arising in the field? Just a thought...

Thu May 24, 09:59:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Steve Miller TX said...

I should! My problem is alot of new homes in the area I'm competing with combined with a severe slump in existing home sales. It was a real hot market up until about the time I put my house on the market...figures.

I think I saw Matt give me a call, but I couldn't get a good signal. My phone sucks. I read your report and it seems we saw the same thing...not much. :-)

As for ST and the problems in the field, if ST was truly a community for all chasers, then it might make a significant difference. However, until they start weeding out the few troublmakers on there who habitually go after people personally, it never will be.

The numbers will continue to grow out there on the road. No amount of pissing and whining about it will change that. More locals are joining the fray too out there.

As I've said before, we'll see a serious LE crackdown on chasers using *exisitng* laws. It's like anything else that they perceive as a growing problem. A task force will be formed in response.

I can see an organized effort by LE to bring in state troopers and all off-duty county/local officers to do a "sweep" of chaser convergences. All they have to do to plan this is read the SPC outlooks and target the hatched area. :-)

We'll see how this plays out of course. Something WILL happen if the rumblings from a couple of Kansas counties continues. What I'd be interested to know is just how much of that rumbling comes from EM/spotter groups jealous of their turf?

Sat May 26, 09:00:00 AM CDT  

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