Monday, June 04, 2007

6/3 Pics

A nice surprise chase on Sunday. I was out farting around doing some Sunday driving and upon returning to Amarillo, I saw this little cell really get it's act together, pop a severe warning with ping pong hailers, and even a bit of slight rotation. I love Amarillo! :-)

First off, this is a view from a small lot for sale in a new housing addition. If I could afford it....

A stunning view as the sun sets on the severe cell near Amarillo. There's rotation in them thar clouds. ;-)

I'd toast that sunset with a cold Ziegenbock. Fer you non-Texans, it's the world's greatest beer brewed right here in the Lone Star state.

I took advantage of the amberish city lights from Tulia to get a cool colorization effect.



Blogger Wayfarer said...

Thes pics are just awsome! If people here saw the things you are blessed too see, they would "freak out" or something to that effect. Stunning pics Steve!

Tue Jun 05, 09:09:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Steve Miller TX said...

Thank you! That's a nice compliment from somebody who is quite the photog himself. :-)

I certainly picked a good year to move to Amarillo. I just hope I can stay here for awhile. ;-)

Tue Jun 05, 11:13:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Glenn said...

Dude, first.........BUY THAT LOT! LOL

Second, nice clouds!

Third, Shiner Bock SUCKS! You need to grab a Ziegenbock - more Texan, more taste.

Thu Jun 07, 03:51:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Steve Miller TX said...

Man, I wish! I found the site on the internet and the good lots there run 129 to 199 GRAND!! That's as in $199,000! ROFL!!

You are absolutely right about the beer and I am ashamed of myself. I offer no excuses for that and I know better. I guess I wrote that in the wee hours. I shall correct the error of my ways!! :-)

Thu Jun 07, 09:10:00 PM CDT  

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