Thursday, June 07, 2007

Forecast Ramblings

I'll be watching the big show unfold across the upper Mississippi Valley region today as a pretty potent situation unfolds. There is a grave concern for long tracked and violent tornadoes up there today. I hope that they will avoid population centers today, but in reality, there are alot of targets for storms to take aim on. Let's hope for the best. I know Dewdrop and the sisters are in the middle of the PDS watch in Iowa right now...already some tornado warnings out. They should really be in the thick of things today.

I think the SPC tornado hatch area into OK is overdone today as veered surface and 850mb flow works against helicities. But, with CAPE going nuts down there today and the frontal boundary roughly perpendicular to low level flow, some deviant moving storms could get going. It'll be fun to watch. Best of luck to the Tulsa gang today.

For tomorrow, models are in agreement to push the front further south than I first thought...south of I-20 in SW TX. I still have a slight bit of skepticism that it will make it that far south tomorrow afternoon because:

1) We are approaching mid June,

2) Noted pressure falls by afternoon upstream with 850mb winds already returning from the SE by mid afternoon, and

3) The front will encounter alot of hot air and daytime heating which typically works against frontal movements. In this case, there will full insolation behind it as well heating things up.

So, for it to make it as far south as the GFS/NAM indicate will be quite a feat. It will be interesting to see what happens. The further south it moves, it will be further away from favorable mid and upper winds for needed shear.

For Saturday, things are abit more muddy today with model forecasts. I won't go into detail yet, but I still think there will be some supercells to chase. Where is a big question right now along with how much precip develops over the PH region and along the retreating front overnight. Many questions arise. I'll focus on that as we get closer.

Sunday, still looks like E CO into E NM and the TX PH and far W KS with a dryline/upslope event. I still like the supercell potential.

Pretty much all of next week looks VERY active each day for my region. The models are being quite persistant and coming into decent agreement for an extended period of good stormchasing each and every day. I expect to be one tired little chaser next week. :-) The good news are that gas prices are showing a decent decline the past few days. I hope it lasts.

I'm looking forward to that as I start eyeing July on the calendar which is typically the end of chase season. But as crazy as this year has been...who knows? As I've stated before, E CO can really rock in July. :-)


Blogger Dewdrop said...

Thanks for the call today Steve... I would have spoken more but I was wired... Bummer....

Fri Jun 08, 01:41:00 AM CDT  
Blogger Steve Miller TX said...

Hey, no problem. I could tell something was up plus I didn't want to distract from all that was going on. :-) I'm just sorry that ma nature didn't follow the forecast and the storms were racing off. But, sounds like you still got to see some cool stuff. :-)

Fri Jun 08, 07:46:00 AM CDT  
Blogger Dewdrop said...

I did... but I am definitely Dewvoiding it... I'll have to come back is all and that SDS Treatment will desperately be needed.

Fri Jun 08, 09:20:00 AM CDT  
Blogger Steve Miller TX said...

Well, speaking as a sufferer of the Stevoid, I feel your pain. ;-) Hopefuly you can squeeze in a chase tomorrow in the slight risk somewhere. Heck, hop a flight to Amarillo International Airport this afternoon! :-)

Plus, the cane season is approaching too...could be some chasing then too. I don't think the Dewvoid is strong enough to ward off a tropical cyclone. :-)

Fri Jun 08, 09:42:00 AM CDT  
Blogger Wayfarer said...

No Steve, thats where the Rick Curse, sadly enough, comes into play...

Fri Jun 08, 09:45:00 AM CDT  
Blogger Steve Miller TX said...

Dang, with all of this cursing going on, perhaps we need to sacrifice a goat or something to the storm gods. Then we could BBQ it into some Cabrito. LOL!!

I'm just looking at the 12z NAM run for this weekend and it ain't looking as good as first indicated. So I might end up with some serious SDS therapy for myself.

Fri Jun 08, 10:09:00 AM CDT  
Blogger Steve Miller TX said...

I just thought of something....we could be super heros and run around the country fighting evil storms everywhere. No PDS watch box or high risk area could ever withstand our combined super powers of stormvoid! Now we just need a name....

Fri Jun 08, 10:12:00 AM CDT  
Blogger Wayfarer said...

Weather Goob powers activate!! (hitting hands together)

Fri Jun 08, 12:56:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Steve Miller TX said...

Excellent! Faster than a speeding jet streak, stronger than an F5 tornado, more powerful than a CAT 5 hurricane, able to leap tall supercells in a single bound...LOOK! It's a radiosonde! No! It's a cumulus cloud! No! It's the Super Storm Void Brigade! [cue super hero theme music]

Fri Jun 08, 01:06:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Wayfarer said...

ROTFL!!!!!! Cant touch that one!! Well down!

Fri Jun 08, 02:56:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Steve Miller TX said...

thank ya....thank ya very much...I'll be here all week. Be sure to tip your wait staff. ;-)

Fri Jun 08, 11:12:00 PM CDT  

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