Thursday, April 19, 2007

Wherefore Art Thou, O Moisture Laden Airmass?

The 12z NAM is at least trending back towards slightly better moisture return for Saturday. I still think Td of 50-55 will be the norm....plenty for some pretty good storms up here on the Caprock. With surface temps progged from around 68-75, LCLs should be in decent shape, but still struggling with higher bases. It really is looking like things fire up in far E NM near the TX border. The NAM wants to bust out some precip ahead of the dryline from the E TX PH down to south of Lubbock (March 28th anybody?) This is also in an area of very sharp diffluence at 300mb. But, unlike March 28th, there is little or no instability that far ahead of the dryline. If we do end up with strong insolation (a big concern of mine), then we might get some weak instability to make storms out ahead of the dryline more appealing.

I spent some time perusing the upper air soundings down to the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico and the Caribbean. It's abit on the dry side down there at 850mb. I did see pretty good sounding out on the Yucatan Peninsula though showing pretty deep and rich moisture. Hopefully that is the vanguard of fixing the moisture problem. soon.

Back to the dryline....the vertical wind profiles look very unidirectional and with such strong and rapid linear forcing, it looks like a classic setup of a squall line erupting all at once with very little if any chance for discrete cells. The entire vertical wind profile is parallel to the dryline. I can't even begin to count the number of times I've been burned by this exact type of setup. Yeah, a couple of embedded tornadic cells are pretty likely, but where exactly is always the biggest problem because you don't have much time to adjust your position to intercept before they go HP and join the squall line.

But, this is still along ways out and I'm trying to get too detailed with a chase forecast at this time. (notes the 2x4 being picked up by Based solely on the 12z NAM which is now in line with the 00Z GFS with regards to upper features, I'm expecting I'll be heading towards Midland Saturday morning. That extremely sharp 300mb diffleunce and divergence ejecting just north of there looks too awesome to pass up.

For today, not alot of hope for anything to pop up. The RUC is advertising pretty good convergence in the N TX PH and OK PH later today. We'll see what the next run or two of the RUC says. I'm going to say about a 10% chance of something to pop there. Instability isn't really there, so it would be more of a photo op and slim chance for a landspout....but even then, the 0-3km CAPE looks pitiful at this point. It'll have to be close to home for me today.

Tomorrow however is still looking pretty decent. It's right on the outer fringe range for a worknight chase for me...especially considering I'm thinking I'll be heading to Midland the next morning. W and SW portions of Kansas and far E CO look pretty interesting. I'll look at this closer in the morning.

Sunday might be a pretty good day for E KS down to N TX. In fact, I'm really starting to believe this will be a bigger day for tornadic supercells. It appears moisture won't be an issue. More importantly, you've got westerly flow aloft across a front/dryline. That's always a "big day" maker. Dang it, I might have to come down with a case of chaser flu on Monday. LOL! So, my posse in Tulsa should have some serious action hopefully. I'm getting worried about them. ;-) My bud Glenn Dixon in Denton could be bagging a tornado or two in his own backyard.

It's just good to see an active pattern without the threat of an arctic outbreak behind it. Another big system next week keeps the show going. I'm not liking what the models are hinting at beyond the middle of next week though. More on that down the road. I've got a few buys days ahead of me that involve chasing and not crap like taxes, closing a house, etc. :-)

If you've read through all of THAT, then you deserve a reward. :-) Check out this cool little desktop toy: It updates satellite pretty regularly. You've really got play around with the adjustments though to get it to display and update properly. I'm running it on my 'puter at work.


Blogger David Drummond said...

Just looking over the 12z stuff, while I do see the unidirectional stuff at 18z what I did note was that by 0z things were backing quite nicely on the H85 and veering more westerly on the H5 in the panhandle/south plains area. If that trend continues I think it will mitigate the squall potential this far south.

Thu Apr 19, 01:19:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Steve Miller TX said...

That corresponds well with a little stronger cap further south as well. It's a strong scenario for tail-end charlie stuff. I still think this system may dig a tad more though. This is why I'm thinking towards Midland, but I'm thinking now that puts it too close to dark. I really think the hot zone will be between Lubbock and Midland with initiation further west by ~75 miles.

So, I might just make it to your house Saturday morning, have a big "suthen" style breakfast that you'll have all cooked up, and drink coffee while perusing data until things start heating up. ;-)

Thu Apr 19, 01:44:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Wayfarer said...

Today class we will learn how a 2x4 fits perfectly in the palm of your hand. Plas as an added bonus on who to use it on... ;-)

We have it so easy here in the Southeast...Chase safe Steve..

Thu Apr 19, 04:00:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Glenn said...

dude - is it gay if you have breakfast at another guy's house?


I swear, if I see pics of you two in bathrobes..........

Thu Apr 19, 04:24:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Bob Hall said...

Was happy to see this tidbit in the last AMA AFD:


I’ll probably drive to Altus Friday to make the Saturday chase a little easier. Amarillo to Midland looks pretty decent. Have we established the 2007 tribute schedule for us Tulsans that will be in some of the other family’s backyard or is the reciprocity peace pact of ’02 (Allsup convention) still apply.

Thu Apr 19, 04:31:00 PM CDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have seen David in the early morning.. Its not a prety sight!!

I have to work until noon saturday and then be back for work sunday morning so my travel is limited. Will have to play LBB and north. Models are still 60 hrs out so I know things will change here and there. Especially on the GFS which cant make up its mind until about 2 hrs

Thu Apr 19, 04:36:00 PM CDT  
Blogger David Drummond said...

ROFL I have to agree with Jay there, until I've had 2-4 cups of coffee it's best to stand clear..beside if you ate at my house you might need shots afterwards. LOL We do however have a great IHOP in Lubbock!

Was just reading the LBB and AMA AFDs...both offices are sounding pretty positive as well. One thing I noted that LBB mentioned that I had already been thinking about were the pressure falls backing the winds ahead of the dryline and keeping the dryline held back. They are talking some pretty significant low level winds. Supercells early and squall line later, and I get to chase it all dewpoints be damned. MUHAHAHAHAHA!

Thu Apr 19, 06:43:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Steve Miller TX said...

Hey Rick, did they instruct the use of nails in that 2x4? ;-) I'm really looking forward to having a full day off for this event. I think I'll have a good day. After all, even a broken clock is right twice a day. :-)

I hope you guys can get some rain down there soon. I saw the news about the fires down there. Scary stuff. We were dealing with that last year. Yikes!

Thu Apr 19, 07:58:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Steve Miller TX said...

LOL Glenn! You really shouldn't fantasize like that. Next thing you know, you'll have a rainbow skywarn sticker on the back of your vehicle and a vanity call sign WX5GAY. :-)

Thu Apr 19, 08:03:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Steve Miller TX said...

(in my wiseguy voice)

Uh, yeah, Bobarino. Me and da boys were thinkin' we'd show our respects to the Tulsanisco family with a nice little tube party here in da handle as out 2007 tribute, know whadda I mean?. Then, we want honor da Allsup accords with a nice supacell festival in your backyard on Sunday. Capeche?

Thu Apr 19, 08:09:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Steve Miller TX said...

Dave...IHOP it is then! LOL!! We'll be sure to talk football and killing small cute furry animals with our bare hands and drinking their blood. LOL!!

Jay, hope to see you out there! Is Kanani your co-pilot and navigator?

Man, this waiting for the models to roll in is excrutiating.

Thu Apr 19, 08:14:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Steve Miller said...

Sitting here doing the same thing you guys are - waiting on models.
From what I can tell, Bob might be our only rep from the Tulsa gang.
I need to get things together pretty quick or another season will be behind me. I don't know why this time of the year has to be so busy socially - regardless, I'm out for this weekend (unless something pops on Sunday in or around my backyard). Starting Monday I will be in the game though as this is the normal start time of serious chasing for me anyhow.
Seems the last week in April is always a ruthless one in the Tulsa area so that's why I go with this timing every year.
Best of luck to you guys - look forward to seeing the pics.

Thu Apr 19, 09:00:00 PM CDT  
Blogger David Drummond said...

Steve, your not allowed to chase out here any more until you install a minimum of 10 flashing amber lights on your vehicle. At least half of those have to be blinding!

Jay gets an exemption cuz he has red and blues.

I am expecting a long day Friday. I just hope SPC holds off on the mod risk until later in the day because A) it will keep a lot more folks home and B) I won't be able to sleep good if they do it at 1 am!

Thu Apr 19, 09:12:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Steve Miller TX said...

I think I'm going for a mirrored disco ball with at least 4 lasers shining on it along with a fog machine. That way I can conceal myself on the side of the road or play 007 and fog the hell out of other chasers and the SC Police behind me and make a quick getaway. :-)

I'm considering going for the "Elvis" stormchaser attire. Instead of the Forbidden Sacred Dance Of Chaser Merriment, I'll gyrate, thrust my pelvis and snarl my lip. Hey, they have the Flying Elvi parachute team, why not stormchasers?

Thu Apr 19, 09:48:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Steve Miller TX said...

Miller OK, good to hear that you'll be out soon. You work too hard. I think you need to attend some "business seminars" in the TX PH and Kansas over the next couple of months. :-)

The NAM is backing off abit on the Sunday setup, but I'm still betting there will be some good stuff to chase in SE KS and NE OK.

Thu Apr 19, 09:59:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Steve Miller TX said...

Well, perusing the model data, E CO and W/SW KS are still looking good tomorrow. The convergence is strong down into the TX PH, but looks like subsidence on the anticyclonic side of the jet here will keep a lid on everything. I'll be eynig it though in case a rogue impulse shoots out ahead of this system.

I'm sticking to my target area from Lubbock to Midland and west of that line to the NM border. I really love that 300mb signature and the winds at the level and above more SWerly and even abit WSWerly. This will reduce anvil seeding and with a stronger cap, hopefully get a nice tail-end charlie going nuts. I'm just spooked by such a powerful linear forcing signature and that line erupting all at once north of my target area. I'll ramble about this more after tomorrow's 12z runs. Look forward to everybody else's thoughts and analysis. Together, we'll get through this. ;-)

Thu Apr 19, 10:06:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Charles said...

I sure hope Sunday does work out for us NE Okla chasers but after watching how this year has gone so far I am not going to get to fired up about it. It sucks to live in Oklahoma and have to always look at a 4-6 hr drive just for a chance to see some decent storms! I guess I should just turn on the Discovery Channel and let them tell me about how awesome Oklahoma is for storms as they run May 3rd video for the billionth time. Can you help a brother out and at least share some of your lightning with me?

Thu Apr 19, 10:34:00 PM CDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kanani will be my "rabbit" once again for this chase Steve. Just not the same unless she is there. By tghe way she found it she is having a boy! already have the middle name chosen :).. I will let her fill you in on that.

I am starting to get reallyexcited about saturday. we should have a good 3-4 hr window before it starts to line out. I expect a few clasic sups cruising NE out of the clovis area right up hwy 60. Evene the NGM is coming around even though its still a bit east. Let all those folks on ST argue about low dewpoints and hopefully they stay home.. Wont hurt my feelings as we film a few cones. I havent even bothered to continue arguing with them. I guess my 22 years of chasing the panhandle means nothing. nope...I have no clue what it takes to make wx around here.. jeez..makes me laugh at these book guys who read something and think they know all about wx. they just dont get the panhandle is a different world and the only way to know how it works is experience. LIke I said let them stay home. I will send them bitches the pics afterward. :)

Also really starting to look at Monday as nice chase. Td's in the 60's and moderate cape and good SRH's east of hwy 70. I love chasing the east panhandle.

Thu Apr 19, 11:05:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Wayfarer said...

I would go for the "River Dance Lord of the Chase" look Steve..LOLOL

Fri Apr 20, 06:51:00 AM CDT  
Blogger Glenn said...

I have some awesome video from 6/12/05 of Steve performing *some* kind of 'multiple vortex celebration' dance. I gotta get that up on the internet.

Fri Apr 20, 08:57:00 AM CDT  
Blogger Steve Miller TX said...

"River Dance Lord of the Chase"


Dat's funny right dar...I don't care who you are. ;-)

Fri Apr 20, 09:27:00 AM CDT  
Blogger Steve Miller TX said...

Charles! Come on out here tomorrow! The 12z NAM is promising "armageddon" for the Lubbock region. Oops...sorry...I forgot that the queen of stormchasing decreed that we are not allowed to use that kind of terminology nor to get excited about strong storm systems. ;-)

Fri Apr 20, 09:32:00 AM CDT  
Blogger Steve Miller TX said...


I'm quite surprised that you do not recognize my interpretive dance routine known famously as "The Forbidden Sacred Dance Of Chaser Merriment". ;-) I think though it is time to branch out and work on something new like the "River Dance Lord Of The Chase". It's a group effort, so I'm looking for volunteers to join the "Tailchaser Interpretive Dance Troupe". Rehersals tomorrow in W TX and the PH. Be there! :-)

Fri Apr 20, 09:37:00 AM CDT  
Blogger David Drummond said...

My storm chaser dance resembles the "oh yeah can you feel that?" dance that Jim Carey does on Pet Detective.

Man I hate this, I just know I am not getting much sleep tonight. I am as giddy as cheerleader before the big game!

Ok, scratch sounded gay. LOL

Fri Apr 20, 09:50:00 AM CDT  
Blogger Steve Miller TX said...


Good to know Kanani Rabbit will be out with you. Ya'll have seeon an incredible number of tornadoes this year and it ain't even May yet. LOL!!

I hear you on the other "forecast threads". I gave up on that awhile back and content just to do my own thing here.

I'm really enjoying the healthy, friendly and fun discussion here minus the personal drama, uptight naysayers and other crap. We've all been doing this awhile and realize that even the morning of a chase day, things often change. Models are only a guidence tool...not the holy grail. :-)

I love to read or listen to Chuck Doswell talk about this which drives him nuts. I've seen alot of it in the past with a few SPC outlooks which were 100% ETA regurgitation...not even RUC stuff or simple realtime analysis. I don't think that is a problem anymore because I see nothing but outstanding SPC forecasts now,..even out to day 3!

A fresh met degree on the wall, like any other college degree, never EVER takes the place of years of experience. I mean, there is NO way a meteorologist from the left coast could relocate to Amarillo and start making good forecasts right off the bat. Nor could an Amarillo met move to Alaska and do the same thing.

Fri Apr 20, 10:36:00 AM CDT  
Blogger Bob Hall said...

Man, previously someone mentioned bath robes (with which I'm OK) but for the love of all things I sure don't want to see any unitards as part of this dance exhibition.

Too bad we won't be able to include the midget throwing contest as a part of the day’s festivities.
…There is always May…

Fri Apr 20, 10:44:00 AM CDT  
Blogger Glenn said...

I just saw Borat last night - the thought of a unitard makes me feel a bit queasy.....

Speaking of midgets.....I'll have to dig up that pic....

Fri Apr 20, 12:16:00 PM CDT  
Blogger David Drummond said... offer them your anooos!

Fri Apr 20, 01:28:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Wayfarer said...

You guys really need to seek help....LOLOLO!!! Ok Steve strike the river dance pose!

Fri Apr 20, 09:25:00 PM CDT  

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