Sunday, April 08, 2007

April 7th Panhandle Snow Pics

I made a little trip down to the Hereford/Happy area where the heavier snow bands occurred on radar. This included a trip to a neat little national wildlife area called Buffalo Lake near Umbarger. It's not a lake right now though because of the drought for the past few years. Here are a few of the better pics I took:

East of Happy

Literally freezing your tail off ;-)

Near Canyon

A cool photo op at Buffalo Lake

A nice little bonus of some deer at Buffalo Lake. I had to break out the telephoto and stalk very quietly.

A scenic view at Buffalo Lake

Something I've never been able to capture before...a roosting Turkey! They and I have a special "connection" from an incident near Aspermont a few years ago. ;-)

I didn't have time to make an adjustment on the camera, so it is a bit blurry, but still cool.

And of course, what would Buffalo Lake be without a buffalo?


Blogger Dewdrop said...

An incident near Aspermont connecting you and turkeys...? You're an interesting guy, Steve.

BTW, love the purple flowers at the lake.

Sun Apr 08, 04:28:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Wayfarer said...

Steve, thats one thing I really wanted to shoot this year. Snow. We had some light accumulations up north near the Tennessee and Georgia border but timing wasn't good for me. These pics are awesome!

Sun Apr 08, 08:25:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Steve Miller TX said...

The great turkey incident:

I nailed two of those suckers. My friend Glenn Dixon and his wife got to see the sepctacle from about 50 yards behind me. :-)

I'm surprised ya'll didn't get some snow out of this arctic blast. Oh yeah...the S Georgia Void. ;-) Next winter, I'm sure we'll have plenty for you here. I'm sure there are flights from Atlanta to Amarillo. LOL!!

I found out that DFW recorded it's first official snow since 1938 this late in the season. That's nuts.

I'm ready to leave the snow behind us and get back to warm, southerly flow off the GOM. This upcoming week looks pretty interesting.

Thanks for the kudos! :-)

Mon Apr 09, 12:11:00 AM CDT  
Blogger Dewdrop said...

Oh man, sucked for the turkeys... the Dodge didn't fair too well either.

Hope you get the flow you're after. We might have a little something this week. At this point, we'd be happy just to get some rain.

Mon Apr 09, 09:39:00 AM CDT  
Blogger Wayfarer said...

Steve, that might be worthy of a grant for scientific study of high velocity impacts..;-)

Tue Apr 10, 09:44:00 AM CDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To heck with winter man!! Tornadoes are on the way Thursday!

Tue Apr 10, 11:54:00 AM CDT  
Blogger Glenn said...

Steve, my brother still remembers that. Turkeys were bouncing off your truck in all directions. LOL We got stuck in the feather vortex. Of all the times to get caught without the camera running! Lost a lot of money on that one. *sigh*

Tue Apr 10, 02:13:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Steve Miller TX said...

LOL. I'll get my grant request together Rick. ;-)

I would have loved to have seen the perpective from behind as a big blue Dodge made a perfect strike on the group of turkeys. Of course, the perspective in the driver's seat was pretty wild too. LOL

Tue Apr 10, 10:38:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Steve Miller TX said...

I should also add that as I was on the side of the road inspecting the damage and changind my undies, a couple of locals pulled up. they inquired as to my course of action in disposing of the two turkey carcasses. After informing them that I was more concerned limping back to Dallas, they promply proceeded to call a relative to come pick them up. :-)

Somebody ate good there in Aspermont that night. LOL!!

Total damage to the truck was about $2300 I think....covered by insurance thankfully. The claims adjuster was pretty amused by my story to say the least.

Tue Apr 10, 10:42:00 PM CDT  

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