Tuesday, April 10, 2007

SW OK Tornadic Supercell

First, I forgot to mention the nice little SDS session Kanani Foster and Jay McCoy attended last Thursday. I got to see their incredible video from March 28th. It was among some of the most mesmerizing footage I've seen. It was fantastic!!

I wasn't paying too much attention to the possibilities today, but lo and behold, Oklahoma submits it's first serious 2007 application as a member of the "Federation Of Tornado Alley States" today. ;-) A very impressive and dangerous tornadic supercell transversed the areas just north of Duncan and Lawton and along State Hwy 7 and 29. This thing was at one time cranking a couplet in excess of 100mph with a real vicious looking hook ~0000z.

With W/WNW flow aloft, a pronounced jet nose, CAPE 500-1000j/kg, SE surface flow, and warm front, the parameteers ended up being pretty darned good for a cell like this.

Here are a few radar grabs (click to get full image):


2347z SRV-1


0000z SRV-1

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Blogger Dewdrop said...

Nice hook. I was ignoring the plains yesterday... had my sites on Southern Florida. Looks like a nice supercell.

Wed Apr 11, 08:44:00 AM CDT  

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