Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Forecast 4/12 & 4/13

An interesting couple of days ahead of us in the Southern Plains. I might also note that this Friday is the 13th. OMG!! ;-)

Latest model runs are coming into better agreement. The upper air system indeed is a tad slower and deeper than originally advertised earlier this week. This is typical result with such southern latitude storm systems forecast that far in advance. The recent arctic blast that assaulted us recently scoured the moisture pretty severely. However, the GOM basin is still in good shape. In fact, mid and upper 60Td still exist along the TX coastal plains. So....on to the specifics.

THURSDAY: Moisture return will not begin in ernest until the morning hours. This time frame will not allow a good deep fetch to get established. However, enough moisture return will make it in time to give us a little instability to work with.....perhaps 1000-1500 MLCAPE. As we saw yesterday in SW OK and in other similar cases, you don't need much if the dynamics are important point I'm making.

Right now, the forecast is for 50Td to nose in towards Childress and Plainview by 00z. Given current conditions along the coast, I don't think this is unreasonable given that the 850mb flow remains backed and in sync with surface flow. 12z soundings at BRO and CRP indicate the moisture is very shallow. We'll have to see how much moisture returns at 850mb down there by morning. I'm concerned with the moisture being paper thin tomorrow. With 20+ dewpoint depressions, we are going to fight high bases....however.....

One thing that keeps just whacking me in the head with a 2x4 (reference my March 28 bafoonery), is the we will have a warm front and dryline intersection currrently forecast for the Plainview vicinity. With surface and 850mb flow from the SE north of this warm front with pronounced SW flow aloft, the deep layer helicities go through the roof!! Any storm along the warm front or moving just to the north of it will encounter values exceeding 500. They should be spinning like top!! So at the very least, some very impressive storm structure should result if nothing else. With the dewpoint depressions much lower along with resultant LCLs, a few tornadoes would be likely. With 500mb winds this side of hurricane force, they should be chaseable storms.

Again, moisture return is gonna be critical...but right now I'm liking what I see. More on this in the morning for sure.

FRIDAY: This has the makings of a significant outbreak. Friday the 13th indeed. All parameters for a major event appear to be coming together. So, I won't regurgitate the obvious. I look for a serious tornado threat along the warm front and track of surface low. Right now, it looks like the Red River Valley region. I also think from the Red River all the way into south Texas will get hammered big time with various modes of severe weather. DFW better watch out.

If you can't chase, it would be a great day to armchair chase with radar data in front of you. For me personally, I don't think I'll be able to make it due to work obligations. That's ok though. I'm not going to go jump off a cliff or seek counseling over it. LOL!!!

Stay tuned!!!!


Blogger Wayfarer said...

I think the system you are mentioning may impact our weather this weekend. Still to far out to nail down as most of these things will skirt us to the north everytime. But it does look interesting. As for you area? Pardon me while I drool. ;-)

Wed Apr 11, 11:18:00 AM CDT  
Blogger Glenn said...

dammit, where's my new DAY3???


Wed Apr 11, 01:11:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Glenn said...

stop droolin' and start chasin'! Heads up, Georgia, it's red box time!

Wed Apr 11, 04:17:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Steve Miller TX said...

Day 3 on SPC website? They only update it once per day...not sure, but I always get the new one with my cup of coffee each morning. ;-)

Wed Apr 11, 06:30:00 PM CDT  
Blogger DM said...

You always gotta talk some shit on someone, don't you Steve.

Wed Apr 11, 07:01:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Steve Miller TX said...

Yep. Just as others talk shit about me privately and publicly.

Best of luck to you this 2007 season! Thanks for stopping by! LOL!!

Wed Apr 11, 07:30:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Glenn said...

so - is a shit-talker anything like a wind-talker?

Wed Apr 11, 07:52:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Steve Miller TX said...

Ah yes, young shit-hoppa. You are quite wise. Snatch this pebble from my hand. ;-)

Oh...btw...isn't there a BIG severe weather event coming up for Friday? ;-)

Wed Apr 11, 08:19:00 PM CDT  
Blogger DM said...

Who the fuck talks about you?


I've done nothing to you. I guess I once respected you, but that's gone now.

Wed Apr 11, 08:38:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Steve Miller TX said...

Sheesh, loosen up. Where did I say you did? LOL!! I said "others". You came in here and fired off that "shitty" comment out of the blue, right? I have no idea where that came from.

So, whatever personal beef you've developed with me, email me privately to get it off your chest...which you should have done first.

As far as "respect", well, I don't give a "shit" LOL!! That's a joke ok? ;-)

In the meantime, there is a rumor of tornadic supercells in the southern plains Friday. ;-)

Wed Apr 11, 09:22:00 PM CDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man Steve you know how to get people freaked out dont ya...LOL

I am hoping for some panhandle magic tomorrow along the caprock. A nice photogenic LP will be just fine.

Thanks for the dinner/video party. It was fun. We will have to do it more often. Didnt even see that incredible video mentioned in the blog :( lol..just giving you shit.. figure you havent had enough of that today.:)

Wed Apr 11, 09:28:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Wayfarer said...

Gee seems like all the action was on the blog here tonight. Plenty of redboxes on Georgia tonight but wasnt able to play. Nice light show off to the north. Ahhh your Kung Fu is vewy stwong young puddle jumper. ;-)



Wed Apr 11, 09:36:00 PM CDT  
Blogger DM said...

No idea where that came from?

Don't backpeddle dude, you know damn well what you posted and who you directed it at.

I guess I'm just as "paranoid" as you are about others talking "privately and publically" about

Wed Apr 11, 09:39:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Steve Miller TX said...

Yeah, I'm just so full of "shit". ;-)

I did mention ya'lls video and SDS session in yesterday's post...the SW OK supercell. :-)

I will say again that it was some of the coolest "shit" I've ever seen. ;-) Seriously, it's one of the few video clips that I could watch repeatedly because there is SO much going on. With the sun backlighting the bottom of it where all of the vortices and tendrils were dancing and swirling was fascinating stuff!! It is certainly outstanding therapy for SDS patients. LOL!!

The SDS party was great fun!!! I want to have one after the season winds down this summer. We can get a few others together and make a full day of it.

Maybe we can find a decent sized place like my apartment clubhouse. Of course, we might be having it in Kanani's hospital room too. LOL! So, we'll try to set something up for July sometime?

Wed Apr 11, 09:45:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Steve Miller TX said...

Dick (DM), if that is what you choose to believe, more power to ya. Sheesh. So, I'm on your "shit" list now? LOL!! If you want to continue, email me privately. I don't have time for this "shit" and to be honest, nobody else really gives a "shit". ;-)

Have a nice day.

Wed Apr 11, 09:52:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Steve Miller TX said...

Rick, I saw Dew's post documenting the storm dissipating as you approached it. Believe me, I was laughing with ya on that one as I've been there too many times. ;-) Perhaps some more chances coming up for ya'll soon!

Are ya'll planning a trip out here this year?

Wed Apr 11, 10:02:00 PM CDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Steve make sure to check the surface obs!! The models are underestimating moisture returns by a good 15 degrees. DP in Tulia right now is already back to 30!!

Come on panhandle magic!! 50's will be easy. Also notcie the new NAM.. it is slowing way down. Puts low over amarillo at 0z sat instead of near Wichita Falls. It may end up being a west of I35 setup for friday!!

Wed Apr 11, 10:13:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Glenn said...

Dearest DM,

uh........WTF are you talking about? I just read that entire thread you linked to. Unless Steve has some alter ego I'm unaware of he didn't say diddly about you. He hasn't posted on StormTrack in almost a year!

Geeze......get over it.......

Wed Apr 11, 10:37:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Steve Miller TX said...

Okay, enough of this "shit". LOL!!

The new NAM came in and it looks like the party might just start here in the PH on Friday after all!! Woot! Woot! I'm looking at at the NAM svr parameters

What a classic setup of storms forming on or hitting the warm front and spinning furiously until they die down upon encountering stable air or becoming elveated HP hailers.

I'll start a new blog about this in the morning so we can start fresh. I expect to chase tomorrow, but will have to really crank out some code so I can take a half day off Friday. I'll have to stick with something close to Amarillo. I expect Jay and Kanani to find and video yet another nader while I'm at work. :-)

In the meantime, if anybody really wants to get their dandruff up, check this out...and watch the entire clip. I love the last part of it. :-)


Wed Apr 11, 11:01:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Steve Miller TX said...


I just took a closer look at Thursday's setup and it looks like we'll have some fun!! The good thing is that it is close to AMA and the best stuff comes together towards 00Z. Sweet! last post until tomorrow. :-) We'll start fresh. Jay, we'll chat via phone tomorrow.

Wed Apr 11, 11:05:00 PM CDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hate to make comparisons like this. But Friday looks to set up eerily similar to April 10, 1979. For those that don't know, Google that date for tornadoes.

Wed Apr 11, 11:39:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Steve Miller TX said...

David, you chasing tomorrow or waiting for Friday? I need somebody to be prepared to whack me with a 2x4 in case I make another stupid decision. LOL!!

Ok..ok...really my last post...been on the phone. Talk to ya'll morrow

Wed Apr 11, 11:50:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Steve Miller TX said...

Oh...April 10, 1979. That is cool that you correlated Friday's setup with that event. Here is an excellent study on that:

Wed Apr 11, 11:59:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Glenn said...

wow - long-track tornados - let's hope they stay out of the cities!

Thu Apr 12, 07:05:00 AM CDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, chasing today and Friday. Are you freakin kidding me? LOL Graham is coming this trip too. Right now we are going to get out early afternoon and not really expecting to be home until sometime Saturday.

Thu Apr 12, 09:07:00 AM CDT  
Blogger Wayfarer said...

wont have time to chase in the Plains this year, although I have wanted to do that for a long time. I am finishing up EMT-I school and working full time. After June though I might get crazy and do a road trip. Dew is planning one next year. I might try then as things will have settled down. Speaking of the Barney Fife incident, I was just contacted by a friend on our local rescue squad. It was mentioned by the Deputy EMA Goober that they were tired of warning me and didn't want to have to warn me again. Now the funny part..About what? I have never even spoke to this person!. LOLOLOL I am going to go into details with this later on our blog. I plan to have some fun with his(evil grin) Happy hunting Steve and to the rest of ya!!

Thu Apr 12, 11:08:00 AM CDT  

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