Tuesday, April 17, 2007


I'm totally relying on SPC outlooks today as I'm way too busy with work. Plus, there was the thing with the new neighbors upstairs deciding to hold a big party at 11:30 pm. I won't rant about that, but will relay something funny. About 30 minutes after the police broke it up and things calmed down, I was taking care of some buisness on the porcelain throne. As I am doing so, a nice little cascade of water drenched me. They either let the tub overflow or their toilet backed up. Nice. I eventually got a good laugh out of it because well, it was pretty funny. :-)

I'm also preoccupied with trying to close the house. That and a lack of sleep with alot of stuff going on at work, I've had very little time to look at any data. What I did look at caused some puzzlement to me as to why the risk area doesn't extend further south into Central, S and SE TX with the core of mid level jet there and impenging surface boundaries. Oh well. Either way...too far for me today...even to Lubbock or E/SE of there. Even then, the 1300z SPC discussion was pretty conditional and iffy. The RUC isn't offering much hope either with meager instabilities....but the 0-3km CAPE doesn't look bad if we get insolation. It will be interesting to watch because cold cores and surface insolation and a boundary or two should never be dismissed. But, I'll be happy to wait for the better stuff later this week.

I'll be back into the swing of things tomorrow.


Blogger Wayfarer said...

Would you quit hogging all the weather...;-)

Tue Apr 17, 09:47:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Dewdrop said...

... and you're not even going after it, sheesh.

Wed Apr 18, 09:07:00 AM CDT  
Blogger Steve Miller TX said...

Hey, I'll send ya'll something about...oh...say September? It'll have a name. ;-)

Man, I was totally zapped yesterday after work. I'm glad there wasn't anything to go after. There were a couple of cold core funnels and a rumor of one touching down SW of Amarillo someplace, but I haven't seen anything to confirm that. One did touch down very near Lubbock I think. I just haven't had time to look through stuff. I'm getting ready for possible chases tomorrow, Friday, Saturday....and on outside chance Sunday. More on that coming up. :-)

Wed Apr 18, 10:04:00 AM CDT  
Blogger Dewdrop said...

An actual chase? You? Without 2X4 persuasion...? No way! Someone, alert the press, Steve might actually chase something. :-)

Yes, September sounds good. We should be at Hurricane Olga by then, right?

Thu Apr 19, 02:57:00 AM CDT  

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