Monday, April 23, 2007

Storm Busters!!!

Man, I tried to intercept the lone cell that popped up near Lake Merdith, but it sped up and raced up Hwy 139 with me in hot pursuit. Instead of slowing down and rooting like the other good little supercells, this thing rocketed into KS before I knew what was happening. I skeered it real good!! LOL!!

I came back to catch the TOR warned cell E of Amarillo to Pampa. And, wouldn't you know it, it fizzled and dissipated just as I got to it and under the base!! ROFL!! I kid you not! I'm starting up a new business called "Storm Busters" where towns can hire me to protect them or chasers can hire me to stay away...highest bidder wins. ;-)

Jay, Kanani and David are quite paranoid now and have in effect labled me with a scarlet letter of stormchasing. My vehicle is now appropriately labled. :-)

The day was saved through with a GREAT steak dinner in Borger with the gang. If you ever get Jay and David together, have them tell you about their hurricane experience. It is freakin hilarious! ROFL!!

It's too bad I can't join the fun out there tomorrow. But, May starts up real soon and I'll have two months and about 30 chases at least to catch something. :-)

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Blogger Glenn said...

Jay and David and Kanani - thank you for appropriately decorating Steve's vehicle.

Hey, speaking of decorating, maybe some sort of camo paint job would be appropriate? Then maybe you could sneak up on a storm now and then.....


Tue Apr 24, 06:32:00 AM CDT  
Blogger Wayfarer said...

This is great Steve. I have the Southeast covered. The "Rick Curse"
has thwarted many a storm system and hurricane coming into our area. Now, how to make money...

Tue Apr 24, 07:38:00 AM CDT  
Blogger Steve Miller TX said...

Yeah, they did seem to enjoy it abit too much. I was plotting my escape route similar to that of evading an F5. LOL!!!

I'm considering disguising my Element as a mobile home. Or, perhaps using several inflatable mobile homes as decoys out in a field. Then, hide in the bushes and wait patiently. :-)

Hey Rick, if you come to the TX PH, our combined powers would deflect storm systems into Canada and Mexico. We could rule the world!!! BWAHAHAHA!

Tue Apr 24, 09:08:00 AM CDT  
Blogger Dewdrop said...

I am going to go out on a limb and suggest that it's probably a good thing you're not going out today, for the sake of those chasers who actually want to catch something... LOL!!! This seems to me to be some sort of sick irony... perhaps your penance for missing the "March Mayhem"... a fate worse than the 2X4, I'm afraid.

Love your logo... could I "borrow" it, giving proper credit, as usual?

Tue Apr 24, 09:28:00 AM CDT  
Blogger Steve Miller TX said...

I should perhaps go do my civic duty and hang out on the west side of DFW, OKC or Wichita today. :-)

I caught the February tornado near McLean and have been cursed ever since. Maybe I need to back out there and sacrifice a goat or something. LOL!!

And yes, feel free to borrow my logo. I had fun creating that one. Between the SDS Treatment Centers and Storm Busters, I'll be rolling in the dough! :-)

Tue Apr 24, 09:35:00 AM CDT  
Blogger Wayfarer said...

Ooooo. The official "evil Steve" laugh. Sounds like a plan. So when do we start??

Tue Apr 24, 09:36:00 AM CDT  
Blogger Dewdrop said...

Thanks... look for it on the Dew blog.

Rain dance... don't forget the drums. Step away from the innocent goats.

When is my appointment at the treatment facility? I don't want to miss my shot.

Tue Apr 24, 09:42:00 AM CDT  
Blogger Steve Miller TX said...

Rick, probably next week with the next round of storm systems. You bring Mr. Bigglesworth and I'll shave my head bald. Every super villian needs a costume, so work on that. ;-)

Dew, one word: "Cabrito" LOL!! Them critters are good barbequed. ;-) I do play drums by the way. It helps alleviate SDS in the offseason. Besides, it's hard to miss a drum with a stick. LOL!!

Your appointment is always open at the SDS centers. With the recent spate of activity, most patients have checked out. So, we have plenty of room. ;-)

Tue Apr 24, 01:24:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Dewdrop said...

Hopefully, you offer field trips!!!

Tue Apr 24, 03:05:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Dewdrop said...

Oh and barbequed goat...? Ewww...

Tue Apr 24, 03:07:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Steve Miller TX said...

No SDS therapy session is ever considered successful without a field trip or two. Luch is always provided. The menu consists of: BBQ Cabrito, Goat's Milk, Tumbleweed Soup, Red Ant Pudding, Prairie Dog Giblets, fresh water from the nearest windmill, and the big post-chase dinner...Stuffed Wild Turkey...fresh from the grill that is. LOL!

Tue Apr 24, 03:28:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Glenn said...

Dude - Saturday a big turkey charged us from the median! I think he stopped because he realized it wasn't you. He's still looking for the big blue truck that took his family!


Tue Apr 24, 08:29:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Wayfarer said...

Have you are a loved one been injured in an Turkey accident? If so please call the law offices of (insert name)...Bigglesworth?!! ROTFL!!!!! This is too much...lolol...

Tue Apr 24, 09:30:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Dewdrop said...

Roger, Steve, I'll bring my own food... ;-)

Wed Apr 25, 09:20:00 AM CDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I could have sworn you were chasing yesterday...:o( I'm just kidding, you know I love ya. But please stay 25 miles away from me and my storm while chasing in the future. :o)

Wed Apr 25, 11:08:00 AM CDT  
Blogger Steve Miller TX said...

Glenn, how ironic that would have been if you smacked him! LOL!! I guess I need to be very careful shotting lightning pics out in that area at night. The next morning, they'll find my car with gear laying all around it and body drag marks into a field with only a few turkey feathers for evidence. :-) A new twist on an old Hitchcock classic! LOL!!

Wed Apr 25, 11:18:00 AM CDT  
Blogger Steve Miller TX said...

Here ya go Rick!

Now, who gets to play Austin Powers? ;-)

Wed Apr 25, 11:35:00 AM CDT  
Blogger Steve Miller TX said...


What a pitiful chase day yesterday. I feel your pain after having chased hundreds of squall lines in my previous life as a North Texas chaser. ;-)

You gotta pay up now if you want me to stay away! LOL!!

Wed Apr 25, 11:37:00 AM CDT  
Blogger Wayfarer said...

Who is could play Austin but me baby...Yeah baby...

Wed Apr 25, 12:34:00 PM CDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did help either that my vehicle took a direct lightning strike. Lost all power to all the chasing equipment which was on their own secondary circuits. Found almost all of the circuit breakers and fuses on that were blown out.

I am fine other than required a change of underwear.

Wed Apr 25, 12:59:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Steve Miller TX said...

Grooooovy baby. :-)

David: Whoa!! You did what? Man, good to hear that you didn't lose all your equipment! Did you feel a little tingly when it happened? Yikes. Your wiring expertise and effort paid off for sure.

I bet that was quite a SHOCKing experience and one you found quite reVOLTing. ;-)

Wed Apr 25, 01:13:00 PM CDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There were some CGs around there area, nothing unusual. I never saw it coming of course. HUGE bright flash, sounded like a cannon went off right beside me complete with concussion vibration. The van stuttered and all the gauges died for a second and then came right back. Scared me so bad I nearly wrecked. For a second I thought I blew a tire. I went to pull over and check things out and went to click on my rear strobes and discovered I had no power there. Then noticed nothing that wasn't running on batteries (like the laptop) wasn't working. In fact, EVERYTHING on the entire secondary electrical system wasn't working. Discovered a little charred area on the metal anemometer mast that wiped right off...that was IT! I don't know what saved the primary vehicle electrical system, but the fast I fused both the positive and negative leads on all the equipment evidently saved it.

Wed Apr 25, 02:31:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Steve Miller TX said...

I guess you were wide awake for awhile...all CHARGED up...full of JUICE. LOL!! I just remembered, lightning loves you anyway! You are THE lightning boy. ;-)

Kidding aside, I might hit you up for some electircal wiring advice on my vehicle. I've got my power inverter with both the lead and ground wire with inline fuses. I learned that lesson the hard way a couple of years ago when the lead frayed and shorted on a door panel. Instant DC arc. Lots of smoke, melted a wiring harness, burned my hand when I grabbed it to pull/break it. Ouch. Burned all the way to where my ground was connected to the frame. Fuse woulda saved me.

Anyway, I'm lazy and run my 2-meter and 3-way 12v socket (which my wx-worx receiver is running off of) off the power inverter. I'm sure there is a better way. I also need a lightning arrester on my wilson and dual band antenna. One of these days, I'm gonna have a lightning strike and it's going to be expensive I'm afraid.

Wed Apr 25, 03:45:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Bob Hall said...

During my long chain of busts in ‘05-’06 I started to refer to myself as the Convective Killer. The models would look good, a red watch box would be up, a storm would just start to look good on radar. Bob enters the affected county and the storm simply dies. I too thought, I wonder if I can sell this service.

Thu Apr 26, 03:44:00 PM CDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any time a storm dies, you can now say you got "millered"

Thu Apr 26, 09:27:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Steve Miller TX said...

Ok, Bob, I'll make you and equal partner. LOL!! Rick too! Man, we could probably even take on *gasp* "Global Warming!" LOL!!

Dave, "millered"? Oh my. but thaey might confuse me for Miller OK. I'd hate to slur his good name with mine in crushing supercells and chasing away tornadoes. Nobody should have to endure that. [dramatic theme music swells here] It is burden to carry alone.

How about "Tailwhipped"? ;-)

Thu Apr 26, 10:29:00 PM CDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know, getting Tailwhipped sounds a little gay. LOL

Fri Apr 27, 09:49:00 AM CDT  

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